Chapter 10 - Attractions and misunderstandings

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Nathan's POV :-

The lunch break was at an end and so we headed to the lockers. I saw her there. The new girl. Ally. The one who rejected my invitation. No girl has ever done that with me. But it kinda drew me more to her. She was different. Not particularly the girl who throws herself over at the star footballer of the school. I heard Angelina and others talking that her dad was listed as the one of the richest men and her uncle followed soon. She earned a fortune compared to anyone of us at school by just interviewing for magazines like Teen Vogue and Seventeen on career planning once a month. Why did she choose our school? The least it can benefit her is getting in unnecessary drama.

Stuck up with my thoughts, I kept looking at her. The way she moved her hair from her face never failed to amaze me. WAKE UP NATHAN HALE! Girls drool over you, you don't! But maybe this girl is changing me. And amidst all thoughts the most amazing thing happened. She looked at me. She held my stare. The pair of eyes any guy would die for were looking at me. Maybe she thought I am a little weird because she was the one to look away first. Well if that idiot Julius hadn't started talking, we'd still have a moment. I tried my best to hear what he was saying. Something about a partner. He stood exactly between her and me. I would have still stood there had Angelina not brought me back.

"What is it baby?" She asked me, crossing her hands behind my neck. Angelina was my girlfriend who the other girls of the school called Queen Bee. She wasn't that mean, yeah she did get a little possessive sometimes but she wasn't mean. We have been in a relationship since the past couple of months and that for me, is really rare. She proposed me and none of the other girls in school were good enough anyway so I agreed. I don't really have a crush on her let alone love. But it is true that I'd not do anything which could hurt her. Because I know she loves me and I know how it feels when someone you love hurts you.

"Hello?" She brought me back out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry baby. Just got lost in your beautiful eyes." Well I had to say something.

"How about you come a little closer and tell me what you see in them?" Oh and did I mention she was a huge believer of PDA.

I leaned in and kissed her. That's what she wanted of course. Her lips tasted of orange and mint today. Another of her hideous collection of lip gloss. The taste was the worst of all she has ever worn. The sound of Pete and his girlfriend approaching distracted us and I pull back.

"You guys look so hot together, I swear I would give my life for a relationship like that." Annie said to Angelina. Pete gave me a what-the-hell look and I just patted his back reassuring him that he was not the only one trapped in this drama.

Myself and Pete have not know each other since long. It was only last year when he was selected for the football team did we become friends. He was a real decent boy. Truly not made to tolerate the drama. I know he has some past some secret which he is not willing to let out. Every time Annie tries to get closer, he just keeps getting farther and farther away from her. Anyone can tell that he is not into this relationship.

"Let's go bowling!" Annie squealed clapping her hands.

"Annie I told you in the morning as well. I am not ditching the quiz. We'll go after the quiz, okay baby?" Gosh Pete you look like you are mad at her!

"Why do you keep bringing up excuses? Don't you like hanging out with me? Don't you like spending time with me? With us?" Oh okay easy there Annie. He does like spending time with me for sure. About you - you should be smart enough to read the signals.

"If only you had kept him around your fingers from the beginning like I advised." Angelina whispered in her ear. Whisper that was loud enough to be in our hearing range.

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