Chapter 32 - You're so dead, Mr. Evans

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The next morning, as soon as I hear the alarm ring, I wake up. Can't afford being late today. I quickly got up, brushed my teeth, had my bath and now here I stand in my closet with my bath robe on, wondering what should I wear. Oh my God, why have I become so indecisive. I was never like this. I swear I used to be so much better at making decisions and look at me now.

Damn you, high-school.

I hear someone knock the door. I turn around and see mom already coming in before I could say 'come in'. She walks in her usual 'elegance' and gives me a warm smile and a hug when she approaches me.

"Aww Ally, I cannot tell you how proud I am right now. No one, I mean not even one of my friends' daughter has been able to do what you are going to do today. You're an amazing daughter Ally and I know you're only going to get better." She says with such happiness, it literally reflects on her face and her face glows up. I've never seen her so happy before. I am lost for words. I don't know how to react. Mom still has her smile on, with her hands clasped together, but her smile starts to fade away when she sees I have no reaction at all.

"Is there a problem hun?" She asks, pushing my freshly washed hair out of my face. Without saying anything, I just turn away from her, facing the line of clothes again.

"I don't know what to wear. There are going to be a ton of important people out there. Like corporate officials, media reporters, dad's friends and so many more. There are going to be a zillion cameras flashing as soon as we arrive and if I don't have the proper dress on.." I just trail off at that, shaking my head.

"You didn't look at this yesterday night?" Mom asks me. That got me thinking.

"Why didn't I do this last night?" I ask her back. And then it strikes to me. "Oh yeah. Because I was talking to.." No Ally. Too much information. Uh huh.

Mom gives me a confused look.

"I was planning about what I am supposed to do today. And by the way, I did pick out what to wear," I turn towards the clothes again, picking out a random outfit, "but I don't think this is good enough."

Mom observes the outfit and takes it in her hand. Oh no. Don't approve of that mom. It isn't even an option.

"Ally, stop being so nervous baby. You've never been so anxious before and I understand. Its because maybe you've never attended such a big deal before where your father would officially introduce you as the next CEO. But you have to stay calm Ally. Maybe in these stupid school months, you've forgotten who you are and what your true capabilities are because you were totally isolated from this world here and exposed to an entirely different side which doesn't even matter. This side is what matters, darling. This is what you're born for, what you're meant to do. Stop fretting over just an outfit because your entire closet has only glamour in it. Where is all that self-confidence? Take a deep breath, close your eyes and hit 'rewind' to 8 months. You'll see who you are and then you'll know that you're totally going to rock the headlines of newspapers and magazines tomorrow because you are ALLY RICOSTA!" She completes, emphasizing on my name.

"You've only brought pride to the family and I know this is only the beginning." She takes me into a hug again. "Now, get ready quickly. I'll go help your father. I know he'd be having a hard time finding his tie." She laughs and heads towards leaving the room.

I do as mom said. Take a deep breath, close my eyes and hit rewind. She was right. I am Ally Ricosta, after all. Nothing can drag me down.

That reminds me, do I have Drag me Down by One Direction on my iPod?

Focus Ally.

Yes, Ms. Inner Self. And you may rest now. 'Cause I now know who I am and what I am supposed to do. Be assured, you won't need to advice me again.

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