Chapter 13 - This is getting gooood

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Ally :

After having a nice bath, I changed into my VS pyjamas and picked a book from the thousands of novels stacked on my shelf. I laid down on my bed , flat on my back with my legs crossed.

I had just completed the first page when my phone beeped.


Oh my God! Nathan Hale! Oh my God! My heartbeat speeds up like I've just ran up a mile. I didn't really expect him to even remember he had my number. I don't know what rushed through me when I asked for his number. Maybe the thought that we would never get to talk again made me do that. Why would I think that though? Okay Ally. Thoughts aside. Reply back.


What you doin?

Nothing much. Just chilling.

And what exactly is your idea of chilling?

Reading a book.

Wow! I thought you said you were chilling. That's not chilling. That's roasting!

I start laughing.

LOL. It isn't for me.

That's because you haven't tried playing football for 'just chilling' yet.

Umm yeah I haven't. But I bet its nothing compared to reading a book.

Just then my phone starts ringing. Mom! I immediately pick it up. We talk for hours and hours and I almost forgot about the chat with Nathan. I have to hang up now.

"Yeah that's totally cool," I reply to something mom said. I have to hang up now. "Hey mom can we talk later? I've got homework to do."

"Sure honey! Work first. Oh I totally forgot why I called you in the first place. Dad will be mailing you the accounts of the past three months. He wants you to sort it out and make a balance sheet."

"Yeah sure! When will he be sending it?"

"He must have already sent it by now. Oh my God you should really start with it. We've been talking for some good two hours already."

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