First day at school

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We step inside and there were three long tables, one blue, one purple and one red. Philip was the first one of our group who went to his the table. "We'll say 'our' goodbye tonight at the garden. See ya!" I said as I left. They didn't questioned it. If this school was same as our homes, it was obvious. 

I sat down next to the girl with long blonde hair and black dress. "Welcome to the best team! I'm Amy." "It's nice to meet a cool girl, not like those Ianitees." I said remembering my past "Oh yea, were those your friends?" Since Philip was sitting like 20 people away, I replied "Nah, I just got paired with them" "That's good." she said with the most evilest voice.

"LISTEN STUDENTS" calm voice shouted to gain silence. "I'm sir Jeriah and I'll tell you some news and rules for this year. But before that, gods want to give you speech" 

First one to appear was Mianite. (Why does he always has to be first?) "Mianitees" he started, recieving big applause from the Mianite table (This speech is horrible already...) "We all have honor (I never knew that cockyness and beeing super rude is honor, but okay), because we are helping the world (How? By slaughtering innocent civilians? By beeing rude?) regain it's peace (My previous point) by helping the people and the nature (Isn't that Ianite's job?). Stay strong, and you will suceed in your quest (Thanks Mianite, I will destroy your evil plans with your blessing).

Second one to appear was Dianite. His appearance caused litteral chaos. As soon as he showed up, cakes started falling down on students. (Now THIS is the best entry I ever seen) I couldn't help myself and laughted "Free cakes!". I laughted even more, when one of them hit Philip and Mianite at the same time. (Oh god. I'm dying of laughter right now) Dianite waited for the cakes to stop falling (I was okay with it, one already landed on my plate) and continued with original plan. "Dianitees, listen to me, don't make trouble or I will have to suspend you" "That will be a cakeastrophe" I heard Jake shout. (I send him imaginary hive-five for that pun) "That's the spirit boyo" 

And then the last one to show up was Ianite. She looked really nice, like a caring mother. "Ianitees" she calmly said. "Your goal or quest, is to keep ballance between Mianites and Dianites, and to protect those, who cannot protect itself." (My goal as Ianitee is so beautiful ;_;) She recieved a huge clap from all the tables (We all have to agree that Ianite is boss).

Sir Jeriah spoke again "The rules are simple. Contact with anyone outside your group is prohibited." (I would never guess that...) "For the news, school will start after six days, we are waiting for the last group of students (I wonder who it would be - Fox :3). Before we start you can relax, voting for the group leader will be hold on Friday. That's all you're dissmised"

Vote for the best speech in the comments, use my # pretty please

 1. Mianite (Vote by #SuchSarcasmOmg)

2. Dianite (Vote by #GreatCakestormOf2015)

3. Ianite (Vote by #BalancedSpeech)

I never expected myself to actualy do some jokes or to make this funny, but anyway it looks great so far... We have one week until our cannon characters arrives. Anyways this is the last weekeend update so bye for now.                       - Fox :3

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