Goodbye party

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Little message from Efox Kitty: Thank you for 50 reads *cought* *cought* 73 now *cought* *cought* I'm glad for that, because I never had that many reads before (27 was the record). Goodbye party is actually chapter name, that I planed to title like 3-4 updates back. Mostly because I always say, I'll do that in the next chapter. Anyway, as a thanks, this chapter will be long as 2 chapters (because somehow I am making so much filler moments and this *points to title name* has to be done!), and I will publish the first special today, or yesterday, I have like 2 hours till midnight. [Since I falled asleep it's now another day.]

[That awkward moment, when you want to write a chapter, but you say, nah, I'll write it next day. And the another day, you don't know what to write... - Fox :3]

I was lying on my bed, thinking what to do. You should go check out the garden (Oh, that's right, thank you) My only advice is, go to the left corner (Why?) Because I can see the future, and other places are for other people. Just shut up and listen

I sighted, and picked up papers, that I'll need. Suddently the door opened, and happy voice exclaimed, "There you are Ena, I was looking for you." she grabbed my wrist "Come with me, I'll introduce you to my friends" she said walking towards the door (Fuq my life, what am I supposed to do?). Kill her (*Sarcastic voice* Oh my gosh thank you, that's so helpful, I'll definitely do it right now...)

~Timeskip that only skip Ena being dragged by Amy, arguing with the voice~

Amy dropped me near the big group of people. "We have to wait, Sterling is talking about the upcoming leader voting thing." (Who the heck is Sterling?) Your future enemy (I still hate you) I love you too "Umm, who is Sterling?" "*Gasps* How do you not know who is Sterling!" "Well, this is my like, ...second day here so..." "Oh, I'm sorry. Sterling is one of the famous Mianitees on this school, like you." (I'm famous? Oh shhhh... welp) "He is second year, like me, and he seems to be a good leader. Also most of the boys listen to him" "Hm"

~I had to timeskip Sterling speech #SorryNotSorry~

It felt like an eternity, waiting for Sterling to finish. Everyone were excited, while I was bored. Sterling finally finished, so I gave him a clap, for ending my torture. "His speech was so amazing!" Amy fangirled. "Do you have a crush on him or what?" "Nah, I'm just his sister" "Oh, you never told me that" "You never asked" "Well played Amy, well played" "Follow me, we have to meet up somwhere else" (Now I'm actualy glad that the party is at night, this will definitely take a while) I followed Amy running throught the hallway. It was more like a maze, than a hallway. First she went to the right, then she go upstairs, after that she turned left, right, middle, down, right, right and left... If I wouldn't be exhausted, I would definitely remember the whole way. She stopped so quickly, that I nearly bumped to her. "And now we wait again" I rolled my eyes, as she said that. Soon enought I saw some people walking towards us. I only recognised Sterling and Vanessa. They stopped next to us and Amy said: "I brought Ena, that girl from Cadice" "Nice to meet you" Sterling said "Nice speech" "So you'll vote for me?" "Who are the other candidates?" "Just me and Amy" "I'm sorry, but since Amy is my friend..." Amy looked really happy, when I said friend "Don't worry, I get that" "I think you know Vanessa" I nodded "So this cool guy here is Jake" he pointed at person standing right next to him. [No description avalible] "This is Mike [Tall male with green eyes and brown hairs wearing blue shirt and black pants]" and this is Philip" (What is he doing here?) "Hi Mike. Hi Philip" "Umm, so why did I got dragged here" "Amy didn't tell you?" Sterling asked surprised "Wouldn't be surprised by that" I heard Vanessa whisper to Jake. (Wait, didn't she said that those people are her friends) "Well,she said that she will introduce me to someone." Sterling looked angrily at Amy, as she started staring at the floor. "What do you want to talk to me about?" I said breaking the awkward moment "I don't have all day, I need to look at the event board, explore, eat..." "We get it!" Jake said angrily "We just wanted to ask if you would join our group" (This is important I have to think carefuly). "I don't know, I don't like being in big groups" "You talked about Cadice, before all the first years" "Actually I was just talking to Philip" They looked sad and angry so I said: "But you are kinda my friends" "We are?" Vanessa suspiciously asked "I consider anyone my friend, if I know them at least 5 minites" "So we are your friends, but you will not join our group" "Well, you're not my best friends yet" "So you are saying that you'll join in the future" "Probably" "That solves that. Bye then" "Bye"

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