Informative Guide Chapter

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Since you all now know that I'm so original, this is also a 200 reads special. Warning contains sneak preview of the next 4-5 chapters. Could be spoilers, if you don't like spoilers don't read characters description.

Informative part:

I finally got my PC back, so I can now edit the text, [if you were confused on some parts on who is talking, now it's fixed] here's an explanation of how am I using the editing choices.

 Italic Text  - This is used for written text (Letters, Messages etc.), for Mysterious voices or any voices in general, and sometimes for thinking (If the person doesn't hear voices)

Bold Text - Author notes (Even if I make it look like one of my OC's is writting it, it's still edited like this), important realization, highlited text in general

Underline Text - Not specified yet

Mixing of styles:

From whispering to yelling: chair - chair - CHAIR  - CHAIR!

Computer voice/text: [:Hello this is computer speaking :]

And that's all I remember for now, let's go to the Guide part.

Oc's in the story:

'The gang'

Sisi - Ena's adopted sister, Ianitee

Em - Sisi's close friend, also Ianitee

Jake - Full name is Jake Tomasn, Dianitee, dates Lily

Lily - loves Jake, also Dianitee

Ena - Her real name is Light, adopted by Sisi's family, Mianitee


Amy - Sterling's little sister, secretly friend with Ena

Jake - Sterling's friend, big douche, part of 'cool' group

Vanessa - Ena's roommate, also part of the group, Sterling's ex

Sterling - Amy's older brother, leader of Mianitees

Mike - creepy dude, part of the group

Philip - Amy's boyfriend (it has a reason, just wait)

Jamalle - Philip's roommate (thanks Eddie)


Matt - Sisi's boyfriend, funny dude, friendly

Luna - Em's friend, also very silent (thanks Alee)

Samantha - Sisi's friend (credits to Haydog2000)

Snow - ordinary girl, yet (credits to xX_Jardon_Xx)


Micana - Lily's friend and roommate (thanks xX_Jardon_Xx)

D'Mario - Jake's roommate (Thanks Haydog2000 for the best name ever XD)

Joseph Raines - your average Dianitee [brain please stop, it's not funny] (thanks to Aprilfools21cp)

That's all the people plus the upcoming characters.

And now, the most important part of this chapter. I need to thank to all of the people who read and help with my fanfiction. My thanks goes especialy to those people:

Mianite tiem:

Alee - for compliment, name suggestion

Izzy - for compliment, # , 8/8 joke and no discrimination against Mianitees

Eddie - for: being the first one to notice, making me confused, #, for stalking updated [yes, that is a thing] , explaining, suggesting a name [Jesus Christ Eddie, how long dedication you need to have? XD]

Autumn - for beeing heartless vampire teaching us abou humanity (the irony)

Jazlyn - for amazing books

Iain - for long awaited comment saying: Yep 

Katherine - because she needs to be noticed 

Lucas - for making a mess (also the prank was good and bad at the same time...) #RIP Lucy

Haydog2000 for: being another attendant in the contest, not judging my randomness, replying to my. comments, and for alowing me to use her OC, for thinking of my suggested ideas (Also for D'Mario)

xX_Jardon_Xx for: giving me an OC with an accurate description, talking with me, helping me with. plot twists and holes (if you're reading this please be patient, plot twist is coming soon ;) ), follow

Aprilfools21cp for: suggesting a name

I asked like 7 people actually. Thats all folks

[Today I just want to do jokes. Hmm.   - Fox :3 ]

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