Secrets part 1

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Since Lucas want this update, I will stop messing around and watching parodies on illuminati confirmed. Here you go:

"Bye Amy" "Bye Ena" I looked around, if I'm alone. I was luckily. I quickly ran to my room and I shuted the doors before anyone else comes. All I wanted to do was hide. (If he knows I'm fuqed, I'm fuqed, I'm fuqed... Oh Shoot, oh Shoot, oh Shoot, oh Shoot, oh Shoot, Goddamit, goddamit, goddamit,goddamit ) My panicking was that big, so the voice returned, to tell me to shut up. (No one cares about you, now shut up!) (O-okay) I calmed down. (Now what to do) I thought. (Any ideas?... Okay, you hate me I get it, but are you here?) He didn't answered, which made me wonder, what is he even doing?  


I wandered around the halls, when I saw a voting poster saying stats:

Mianite candidates:  Sterling and Amy        voted 195 out of 234 Mianitees

Ianite candidates: Katherine     voted 105 out of 105 Ianitees

Dianite candidates: Jazlyn and Lily    voted 210 out of 230

It wasn't suprising that Ianitees had one candidate, they always decide so quickly. My thoughts were stopped when I was hit by paper ball "Hey" I turned to see who it was and I saw group of Dianitees laughting at me. When I saw Jake he winked at me. I picked up the paper: go meet the gang rn. Sisi's mad. "Nice shot Jake, that Mianite scum didn't see it coming" I rolled the paper back to the ball and threw it back into that guys face. "The same goes for you Mr. MC Doucheyson" He growled so I sticked out my tongue and ran away.

*Timeskip to the garden*

"Since you're here princess we can start" "Jeez Sisi, calm down" But she was right, everyone was already here (How the F Jake get here before me, if he was behind me? What the hell?) "Anyway, I would like to ask mister criminal here what did she even do." She said with evil glare. "You don't even know what happened, what I had to do to not get us all killed, but you still blame me. I thought you were my friend..." I said angrily. "I thought that we tell each other everything and that we have no secrets as you said" she yelled back. "I would not have if you..."

"Ladies, calm your boobies, you're both pretty and amazing now shut it" Jake looked at us all "I don't have problem to tell you what happen, but I don't know the whole story, so you should start. I sighted "You're right, Ok, I'll tell you all what happened"

Remember how we had the TnT group and we were really good at blowing stuff unnoticed? Well, one day me and Jake  were spotten by some sneaky Dianitees. They said that if we will help them, they will keep our secret. So day before I left the DuDu, I called everyone to tell them about my plan. You were sick Sisi and Em said that someone needs to stay with you. Me, Jake and Lily went to the plains. Dianitees told us, that there are some empty building we have to blow up. Lily was faster, and she needed to go, so she left. I was nearly done, when I heard sound. Someone said "Do you think that they will attack us?" "It will be okay, no one knows we are here"

Everyone gasped "There were people inside?" "Yes, but it gets worse"

When I realized what's going on, I ran back and I asked the man who looked like leader: "Are you sure it's empty?" "Of course that it is, why do you ask?" "Classic safety check, if someone from your men would be stupid to sneak inside, it's not my fault" I saw the madness in his eyes when he laughted "We would not want to kill anyone right?" "Exactly" I ran back and I told Jake to get the TnT of from Lily's side, because it's wrongly placed and then he can go home. When he was gone, I knocked at the window. "I don't know who you are, but this building will soon blow up, you have to run!" no response... I threw stone in the window to alert them. (Goddamit they had to move) I had to risk it, so went inside "Hello? Anyone here?" (If I will get killed, I'm going to haunt those Dianitees forever...) I tried to find that window, but I had no luck. (I need to do something to caught their attention). I looked inside my pockets, all I had was TnT and redstone torch... (That's it, explosion should wake them up) I set my plan and it worked. But the biggest suprise was yet to come...

"Dianitees blew up the building at the same time?" Jake asked "Wasn't at that time another war?" Sisi thought "Every year there's a war somewhere" Lily added "Sadly, I wish there will never be any war" "We all do Em, we all do"

Imagine my suprise, when Mianite army surrounded me "You have to run" I said "This will soon blow up" "What are you doing here child?" "I'm trying to save your lives, if this blows up run south or east, there is no TnT here" They looked confused "Why should we trust you" "Why do you think I made this explosion?" "We should move" the leader exclaimed, "Explosions or not, someone knows we're here" "The army started running to the exit "Thank you for your warning child. Here's a little gift" he handed me a small wooden flower with name Sophie "I wanted to give this to my daughter, but I can make another, you deserve it" "Thank you" He smiled "If you ever happen to come to Merlein ask for Liutenan Finn" "O...


Impact of that explosion threw me against the wall. It affected other people too, so many died, so many were injured. Finn seemed okay, but we needed to leave. "Finn we have to go, your people needs you" Finn followed my advice and helped me to get up "I hoped we would have more time" I muttered. We somehow got to the exit, Mianitees were already fighting with Dianitees. I grabed nearest sword to protect us "Get it down child you will only hurt yourself" "I killed 7 people defending my life, you?" He got it and grabbed his sword "Maybe, but run away child, war is not for civilians" I tried to run to the forrest, when someone grabbed me. "You'll regret this" "Not as much as you" I tried to slice him but he stopped my sword "I'm stronger than you, you can't beat me" "Maybe" I muttered when I kicked him between the legs "Take that b*tch"

*Timeskip of running*

In the forrest everything was quiet, but then I saw Jake. "Jake? What doing here? I told you to go home." "I know something happened, I won't leave until you explain it to me" I told him whole story "That's a problem, also I knew that guy was a messed up muthafucka, but..." "What are we going to do?" "Hide" "Okay, if anything happens, left message in the treehouse" "Okay, bye" "Bye"

"I'm sorry" "That is sad" "If you would knew what happened next, that was bad too" Lily said "Please.tell is, I was only in the jungle"

"Okay, after the incident.... 

This this the end of part one

Sorry, but the next part will be probably same lenght ant it already has more than 1200 words. Thanks Lucas and Merle for help with the names. Lily's story will be exciting too.

btw for the number of students I asked the MianiteTiem.

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