Wednesday plan

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Tuesday night, right before Ena goes to sleep.

You... Insulted a god? [His reaction is the picture] (Yes) Great, don't worry, I can help you (How?) I have the power to make you sick (Really?) Yes he said annoyed. (Hmm, can you make me sick for 2 days, so it won't look suspicious?) That's not a problem, now go to sleep, next day you'll woke up sick (I would never imagine that I'm saying this, but thanks for making me sick)

Wednesday morning.

The voice was right, I did felt sick. I went to the Dine-at-night, to get breakfast. I was actually surprised that it was empty. I grabbed bread and an apple and went to the garden. (Where is everyone?) I thought. Is there somewhere some secret event, noone has told me about, or what. I sat on the grass, rnjoying the view, and eating. I decided to lay down, and just watch the clouds. I started to be really tired, and soon I fell asleep.

"Ena, Ena wake up, you can't sleep here" I opened my eyes to see who is talking. Amy started to shaking me "Ena, come on, wake up" "Mhm" "Are you okay?" she asked me worriedly. "I'm fine" I said with a really deep voice. "I think you should go to the infirmary [AKA nursery]" "I guess..." I was really tired, I had no clue on what is happening, but I didn't care. It seemed unimportant. We somehow made it to the infirmary. Amy was talking to the nurse, and I again fell asleep.

 I woke up on one of the infirmary beds. One of the nurses spotted me and gave me ho tea. "You need to drink" she said. I looked at her confused. "You have a fever" she said "Thank godess she found you early, it could have got worse, you could have gotten pneumonia" [If you don't know what that is, wikipedia it. Also it can be deadly.] My throath still hurt, so I just nodded. "I'm afraid you won't be able to go to the trip. I already informed the teachers." I tried to look sad, but inside I was smiling. "Try to rest" she said leaving the room. 

I looked around, and saw that someone even brought me books. (Yay) Are you happy with my gift?(Yes, it's great. Thank you.) How do you feel? (Excited, I've never been in the hospital before.) Interesting...anyway your friends will come to visit you later, try to rest (Yes, nurse) I said jokingly. The voice only sighted and dissapeard.

[I copied those symptoms from one of my favourite friendship books, there the boy caught pneumonia and nearly died, goddamit, now I've made myself sad :'( ]


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