Event board

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After 3124 words, and a weird chapter, here comes the awsome quest for the event board, presented to you by the amazing (You mean crazy) [Shut up Dawn] Efox Kitty.

We splited up, when the party ended. I thought that since I didn't got a chance to explore, now its the best time. I walked through the hallway, and thought, that I should try to find the event board, that Jake talked about. "If I would be a event board, where would I be" I said.

I was walking until I got lost. (What now?) I thought, but then I heard a familiar voice asking me "Ena, what are you doing here?" "Actually, I got lost." Amy smiled "That happened to me too" she walked me back to the main hall and said "Good thing I found you, few more steps and you could have been suspended" "Why?" "Because you would be in Dianite's dorm." "Oh" we went silent after that, but I had to ask: "Amy, do you know where I could find the event board?" "Did you even listen to Jeriah yesterday" "When?" I said surprised, "At the dinner" "Huh?" I said totaly confused "There was a dinner?" Amy sighted and asked "When did you went to sleep" "Before 8 PM, why?" Amy looked at me surprised "What did you ate? Cafeteria was closed at that time." "I knew, that I forgot to do something" "How can you forget to eat?" "The same way I forget to drink" Amy sighted again, and then continued "Anyway, beside the fact that you need to take better care of yourself, the event board is near the cafeteria, and it's usually updated after the dinner which starts at 20:00, what reminds me, if we'll go now, we could get a good food." I looked at the clock and the time was 19:55. "Sounds like a plan"

We walked into the caffeteria, and sat down. Amy eat chicken, while I decid~ed to eat porkchop. We talked for a while, waiting for the board to update. It wasn't hard to see, since we sat at the end of the table, next to the doors. After we finished eating, we saw one of the teachers (I think it was Sparklez) bringing a piece of paper to the board. We came closer and I read:

~~~~~*The Event board for this week (Updated)*~~~~~

Monday - Arriving of the first years

Tuesday - Voting speeches (Different times per dorms)

Wednesday - Free day

Thursday - Trips to the God's city

- Dianitees: Urululu

- Ianitees: Dagrun

- Mianitees: Cadice

Friday - Voting, Leader selection, Letters

Saturday - Family day (Arrival of the last students?)

Sunday - Free day (Arrival of the last students?)

~~~~~*Teachers of the institute of Mianite arts*~~~~~

It looked okay, but then I realized that I'm missing something, so I started to read the note carefully. And then I found it. "Thursday - Trips to the God's city (Wait...) - Dianitees: Dagrun (Oh god) - Ianitees: Ruxomar (OH GOD) - Mianitees - Cadice (OH S**T)." "Are you okay Ena?" "Yes, I'm just surprised" (Fuq fuq fuq fuq fuq fuq fuq fuq) "I think I will go sleep, or is there anything important I need to see?" "Nothing else, good night" "Bye"

I ran to my room. Closed the doors, and started panicking. (I'm so screwed, I'm so screwed, I'm so screwed, I'm so screwed...). I curled up to the ball om the groung, and whispered "I don't wanna die" (You're not going to die, calm down.) the voice reassured me. (O-okay) I thought nervosly.(Anyway, I can see the future, but I can't see the past, so I wonder, what could possibly 8 years old girl do, that she would be left to die, in the forest)




I insulted a god.

Dun dun duuuuun. CLIFFHANGER INCOMING. Nah, jk. You'll get to know later ;)

[I finally sorted out the timeline for this week, before 'heroes' arrives, also be prepared for another special question chapter heheheheheh - Fox :3]

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