Secrets part 2

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Sorry for little cliffhanger :3 Now let's start some Jake x Lily romance story.

Lily's POV

"Okay, next day, I was suprised, when I heard that bunch of criminals attacked the Mianite Army. My suprise was even bigger, when the description fitted Ena and Jake. I heard different rumours, some.stated that they were Dianitees that planned to kill them all, other that someone else is behind this. Ofcourse I asked my parents, but they were too busy to respond. After the war ended, which could have been little less than year, both armies agreed that all war criminals have to be executed. And at that time, they caught Jake, who was buying supplies, for his family. 

"They caught you?" Ena asked suprised "Well, they send me letter saying, that they needed those supplies, and I didn't knew that I was marked." "Hmm" Sisi thought "Honestly, I ran to visit him as soon as I could" "She did" Jake said He looked so cute when he said that! I started blushing Stop that Lily! It's a secret...

Jake's POV

I was shopping some food for my family, when guard stopped me. "Excuse me sir, but you need to go with me" "Okay, but first I need to pay this merchant for the supplies." The guard looked really pissed, but he let me do that. I was brought at the detention centre. Everything looked normal, until I heard a familiar voice "Oh, look who the guard caught" I froze. I turned around. (no, no, No) It was him, the general B*tch himself (It's not his name, but no one knew his name and it's an accurate nickname for that sunuva...). "If it isn't that dangerous criminal boy" "Why am I here?" "Because I'm supposed to jail all the war criminals" "If I would be here for that reason, I would be here visiting you, because we all know who's the real criminal is here"  [Jake vs General B*tch,  1:0] "Heh, nice one child, laught while you can" He looked more scaried than before.

"Humor won't save you from execution"

(... What? ... He was kidding, there was no way... Right?... Like ... how...) "How can I get executed? First, I'm innocent, second, the rules clearly say, that you can't execute a child, only if it's older than 16, and it has dangerous mental problems, third, you have no proof I did that, forth, wouldn't be executed only the leader? and lastly why?" He laughted "It's simple, first, Everyone says that, second, I make the rules, you're were marked as short 16 years old, not my fault,  third, who needs proof?, forth, not in this case and lastly, I thought it was obvious, I just need to get rid of witnesses." I growled "Any last wish?" "Could you deliver this food to my family, that's all" "No fun with you, well then suit yourself."

The jail cell looked nice, I've seen worse to be honest. General was greatly aware, that I could have conviced someone, that he isn't the nice dude, he plays. So I wasn't suprised that near my cell were empty spaces and tons of guards. Maybe that he was a b*tch, but a clever one, I give him that.


I was waken up by some loud noise. "Huh?" I looked up to see Lily "Psst, catch" She threw me paper and ink. I looked around to see if the guard saw that, but they were ignoring me as always. Do they don't care at all or are they spying? I couldn't tell... I tried to focus on what I would write and it ended up as this:

Dear Lily,

There are so many things I would love to tell you, but this paper is too short to say them. Contact Ena by leaving message and three pink wools  at the kitchen table in our tree house. She will help you.                                 - Jake :)

I waited for her to get back, my heart was beating and I felt nervous. I sighted "At least she will know how I feel..." I knew she was near, due to her silently sobbing. "What's wrong?" "I saw the sign, you'll get executed" "I know, here" I threw the paper "this could help me" "Okay, bye"

Back to the present

Sisi: That is so intense!

Em: *Silently crying*

Ena: Yeah...

Lily: I know right

Jake: If you say so...

The end

Lol jk XD

Bonus scene (What was really in the letter and what was Jake embarassed to tell others)

Dear Lily,

There are so many things I would love to tell you, but this paper is too short to say them all, so I will just say:  I LOVE YOU. Ever since I met you, I can see you're beatiful and brave. I'll die soon, so don't bother loving me. Save yourself and talk to Ena. Contact her by leaving message and three pink wools (It's a code) at the kitchen table in our tree house. Stay here until she shows up, she will know what to do. Don't come near here for a while, they can be after you. Don't hurt yourself because of me, stay safe with your family

                  - Jake :)

Lily's answer before she left:

Thanks for the instructions I will contact her

P.S.  I love you too, and I'll save you no matter what, you can't stop me ;)

             - Lily :P

It's really funny, how I'm teaching history XD. Also, another voting. Who will Eddie kill later, Liutenant Finn or liutenant Finn jr. ? It's kind of mystery for now... (Technically it can be someone who is also liutenant who shares the name Finn, you can also vote for that)

[It took a week because: I wasn't in the mood, mini writers block, Final episode of:Tales from Borderlands and Life is strange. , watching FNAF4 and some other stuff (project's shenanigans...) , you know, interesting week (not really)]

                  - Fox :3

wooo about 1000 words wooo

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