Special for 50 reads

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"Hi, welcome to the first special chapter. Again I would like to thank you all, because all of my chapters have at least 10 reads. In this specil, I'll answer some possible questions, that you maybe considered. I got one of my OC's here to help me." (Hi, you can call me Mysterious voice :D ). "She will read the questions for me."

(What if Ena wouldn't join Mianite?)    

This fanfiction wouldn't existed. Nah, jk, she would have happy live, until the war will came." (So basically this is the happy ending)

(What if the voice didn't existed?) 

"Considering he helped Ena survive, she will be dead." (Aww :c )

(If Ena would told Sisi about the attack, will something be different?)

"Instead of happy, she would be depressed and Ena would feel guilty about it. In the end she would listen, and do anything the voice says." (I have a opponent now...)

(What would happen, if Ena would have a crush on Philiph? Beside the fact, that that would ruin my ships...) 

"Logically, she would started to dating him, and they would spent the time in the school together. One day, Philip will discover Ena's past, and they would break up. He would survive the war, and years later, he would marry Amy and have two kids." (Are you impliing something by saying "would survive the war"?) 

(Who is the voice?)

"Let's just say we all know HIM. He is the other person, who talks like this: (I am the voice in Ena's head). If you mean the Mysterious voice, her name is Dawn and she likes to kill."

(How did the motto came up?)

"You wouldn't believe me, but that was the first thing I thought of when unknown Mianite on the chapter 3 said too tought. For some weird reason, this was my comeback..."

 (How the idea came up?)

"Well, mostly when I readed chapters from 54 to 58, and thought, I wonder where are the Mianitees. What did they hear, what do they think..."

(Do you have life?)

"I guess, wait, can I change my answer, No."

(Is the voice evil?)

"Better question is, did you heard about weird voice, that isn't evil?" (Hey, I'm not evil >:c ) Whatever you say...

(If Amy is Sterling's sister, why does he treats her badly?)

"Sterling, like most of the Mianitees, apreciate power. If you are really strong, you will be noticed. Amy is cherfully, playfully and friendly, which can be seen as a weakness. That is also one of the reasons, why she doesn't have friends."

(Are you crazy?)

"Did you need to ask?"

(Do you like to torture people?)

"Wait what. Why is that a question? Who would ask that?"   ~Timeskip until realizing~ "..." (What?) *glares at Dawn* (I just needed to know, for reasons...)

Anyway that's all I can think of now, if you have other questions, ask and I will answer.

Apologize to wattpad, I screwed up, but it still saved. Thanks Wattpad. <3 you.

               - Fox :3

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