Preference #1

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Authors Note: this chapter is dedicated to Yavanna80 because she always has something positive to say and has a way of making people, me especially, smile and feel better when they are feeling down. He writing is amazing and I love her preferences. :)
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I will be taking preference requests for this story. Also some characters will be ommited for certain chapters. Love y'all and welcome to book two~

Your child's first word(s)

Steve Rogers:

"Come on sweetheart say mommy" I begged our daughter, Madison. She is a little over two and is almost a spitting image of steve. She was giggling playing with whatever toy was her favorite today. Steve was currently on a mission with Bucky and wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow at the earliest. I was sitting on the floor with Maddie as she played with her dolls. "Daddy!" She shrieked and I almost fainted. "Daddy isn't here sweetie" I said and she shook her head and pointed behind me towards the door. "Daddy!" She shrieked again and I turned and sure enough steve was there, she ran over, quite wobby and steve scooped her up in his arms sending her into a fit of giggles. "What did you sat princess?" Steve asked as his eyes welled with happy tears. "Daddy!!!" She repeated and threw her tiny arms around his neck. He kissed her temple and walked over to where I was now standing. "Was that her first word?" He asked and I nodded. He pulled me into his free arm and kissed my forehead, mumbling "my little family."

Bruce Banner:

Bruce was in the lab with tony, as usual and I was putting our two year old son down for a nap. Andrews eyes were fluttering closed but not before I heard him mumble "nite nite momma" my heart swelled with pride. I walked downstairs with a smile on my face. A few hours later and Bruce came in, I had drew on my lap as he watched mickey mouse. "Honey I'm home!" He called and I giggled "in the living room brucey!" I called and heard his footsteps as he came into the room. "Momma wook momma!" Andrew pointed towards the TV and Bruce's eyes widened. "Did he just?" He asked and I nodded "he did." Bruce sat down next to us. "Drew whose that?" I whispered in his ear point to bruce. He giggled "Dadda!!" He cried. I swear I've never seen bruce smile so hard in my life.

Clint Barton:

Taylor, our two and a half year old daughter, and I waited on the tarmac for clint to return from his mission, it had been a long one, almost 4 months had passed since i have seen him last. Taylor was wiggling in my arms trying to get down as the helicarrier landed. Clint had gotten off and at this point taylor was flat on the ground. She looked up at me pleading and I nodded "go get daddy" she ran off in Clint's direction, his smile grew as he picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Daddy!!!!" She squealed and he face went slack. "Y/n!!!!! Did you hear that????!!!" Now it was his turn to squeal. I laughed "Say it again for daddy tay" she smiled "daddy" she said softy this time and he hugged her tightly to his chest. "My sweet little dove" he mumbled kissing the top of her head.

Tony Stark:

"Evan say daddy" Evan grumbled something that wasn't even words and shook his head. Tony had been trying to get our son to say his first word, he was a couple months shy of 3 and still hadnt spoken anything that wasnt jibber jabber. I giggled and shook my head at my husband. "Tone hes not gonna say it." I said taking our son from his grasp. Evan started giggling "mommy!!" He giggled and Tony's jaw went slack. "You owe me 10 bucks Mr Stark."

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