Pregnancy Series ~ Bucky Barnes

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Author's Note: I will add Nat and Wanda to the list, they might be last though because they will be more difficult to write but they are on the list for sure. Also I've been in some bucky and star trek as well as youtubers  feels for a few days now so i decided to do buckys next. I might start a star trek imagine book as well if anyone would be interested in that ( it would be the reboot characters) so lemme know if that is something you would want. Buckys will probably be a lot longer than the others cuz bucky feels, sorry yall. Anyways enjoy ~

Finding Out:

"Yes. Ill schedule one as soon as possible. Thank you." I hung up the phone with my doctor just as bucky walked into the room. "Who was that doll?" He asked sitting across from me at the kitchen table. "Im pregnant bucky." I spat and my eyes widened as i realized he asked who it was and not what it was about. "Is it mine ?" He asked growing angry. "Yes. Of course it is." Bucky and i had been together a little over a year now but he was still insecure. He shook his and head and stormed out. I felt the tears sting as they started to roll down my cheeks.

I went to bed alone that night and many nights that followed. I wasnt sure when bucky would be home. I wasnt sure if he was coming home. I was angry and hurt by his actions.

Bucky's POV:

"Steve. I can't.  Im a danger. " i mumbled as the tears fell again. "Buck, y/n, she knows the dangers, but she also knows you, if she or the baby would be in any danger she'd leave. She needs you, the baby needs you. Don't abandon them." What if the baby thinks im a freak " i said refering to my metal arm. Steve sighed "James, the baby is not going to think your weird or a freak. Youre their dad. They are gonna love you and probably stick fridge mangnets to it but they will love you regardless." I chuckled. "We arent even married yet steve. " Steve smirked. "You know how to change that though bucky. Now go home to your girl." "I have a stop to make first."

Finding Out the gender:

Bucky had eventually returned home and apologized for disappearing. I told him I'd forgive him if he would come to my doctors appointment, he happily agreed. His flesh hand was in twined with mine as we walked into the office. I signed in and sat in the chair, bucky sat next to me. "Y/n" i looked over at him. "Yeah?" "Do you want it to be a girl or a boy?" He asked and i shrugged and patted my growing belly softly. "I dont really mind. Why do you ask?" "If its a boy can his middle name be Steve?" I smiled "of course sweetie but if its a girl can we name her Anabell?" He smiled and nodded. "Ms. Y/l/n?" We stood and walked back to the exam room.

~ Time Skip ~

"Lets call her Anabell Lee." I mumbled rubbing my belly. "What for ?" Bucky asked as he drove us home. "Its an Edgar Allan Poe story, my favorite. Its also a very pretty name." "Okay. I like it too." Bucky agreed.

Baby Kicks:

I was around 7 months and little Anabel likes to kick alot at night. Buckys head was resting on my chest, hands wrapped around my tummy. "I can feel her moving doll." He mumbled happily. I giggled "yeah, i dont know why its always at night." He pressed a kiss to my belly. "What if she thinks im a freak y/n?" Bucky asked after a few moments of silence. "Oh James, shes not gonna think youre a freak. Shes gonna love you. Youre her father." He sighs "what if i hurt her, or you?" "Bucky, youre not going to hurt either of us. I know youre scared, but youre going to be okay. Winter soilder isnt going to rear his ugly head, not while james barnes has a say." I smiled and it made him laugh. "Hey y/n. I wanna ask you something." "Okay, what is it?" He sat up and went over to the dresser and started fumbling around. "Y/n y/l/n you have delt with me when even steve couldnt. Youre my best friend and my best girl. I trust you and you have my entire heart and soul. I want to be a family with you and Anabel but i wanna do it right, even if she came before this step." He got down on one knee and i was in tears. "Y/n will you do me the honors or becoming my wife?" I nodded and bounced into his arms. "Yes james yes!." Anabel started to kick again. "She says to say yes too " i laughed.

Baby Name:  Anabel Lee Barnes

Birthday:  March 3rd at 4:40am

It's Time:

I rolled out of bed with the urge to pee. When i got into the bathroom i noticed a pain in my abdomen. "Buck!" I called. "Yes doll?" He mumbled sleepily. "We need to go to the hosptial. Im going into labor."

First Words:

"Y/nnnnnnnnnnn when is she gonna say her first word" Anabel was almost three now and she hadnt said her first word yet. The doctor said she was developing normally and not to worry that she would talk eventually. "She will buck. You gotta be patient." Anabel was playing with her toys in the living room. She hadnt heard bucky yet. She was a full blown daddy's girl, not surprising though. "Lets order take out tonight?" Bucky offered and i smiled. "Sure." I heard anabel stop. She heard bucky. "DADDY!!!!" she belted out and ran straight into his legs. He laughed and picked her up and kissed her cheek. She giggled wildly. "Who am i Annie?" He asked hoping to get her to say it again. "Daddy!"

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