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The sky was dark around the lone gray and white she-cat, and the air was chilly. The only light there was, was from the stars that blazed above. "Greetings Birdstar." a voice meowed from the shadows. Birdstar shivered as a tortiseshell and white she-cat stepped out from the shadows.

"Hello to you too, Leafcloud." Birdstar meowed as she dipped her head in greeting. Leafcloud nodded. "I'm glad you've come." she said as she sat down and curled her tail around her delicate, white, starlit paws. "You summoned me, so I knew it must be important." Birdstar mewed worridly.

Leafcloud had been Birdstar's oldest and dearest friend; she had been her medicine cat. But she now walked among the ranks of StarClan.

"It is important." Leafcloud rasped. "There will be a cat, who will try to ignore her destiny, to follow a path she thinks is already laid out for her. Its as if... that cat won't be able to decide her future right away." Birdstar was dumbfounded. What did this mean? Would one of her warriors betray his or her clan? "I don't understand!" she yelled. "Will this bring good or bad?! What should I do?"

Leafcloud laid her tail over Birdstar's mouth to silence her. She sighed and said, "Dear Birdstar, sometimes even StarClan cannot see the future so clearly. You must wait watch and listen. That is all I can say... it is all I can explain." Birdstar nodded vigorously, "But is their anything else?! Any clues to who this cat is!?"

But Leafcloud was already fadding away. "Wait, watch, and listen! Everything will be alright!"

Birdstar gasped, and leapt away from the Moonstone. As she caught her breath, a rosy, ginger and white she-cat looked up from where she sat. "Are you alright? What did you see?" Birdstar gave her chest a few swift licks, and then looked up. "We must talk about this back in camp, Flowerfur."

Flowerfur nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "Alright, let's go." The two she-cat's started to make their way out of the tunnel. Birdstar could her the faint whistling of the brezze from above. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Birdstar saw the faint outline of Leafcloud, and she her her voice say once more: "Wait, watch, and listen. Everything will be all right."

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