Chapter 11: A New Path

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"I'm glad you've finally decided your true path," Birdstar mewed as she padded out of the den with Streampaw by her side.

Streampaw smiled and nodded. She felt as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. For once in many days she felt free! She finally knew the truth and her destiny. "To be honest Birdstar, I'm glad I know my path too." she replied cheerfully. Birdstar lead Streampaw towards the medicine den. The first thing Streampaw saw as she padded inside, was Flowerfur. She was crouched over a bushel of leaves.

"Oh! Birdstar! I wasn't expecting any company..." she mewed as she eyed Streampaw.

Birdstar narrowed her eyes as she heard the medicine cat's tone. "Flowerfur, I have great news," she mewed tensely. "Streampaw has decided to become your apprentice." Flowerfur's eyes widened and the eyes once filled with desperation now flooded with joy. She looked at Streampaw and said, "Are you sure this is what you want?" Streampaw nodded. "I'm sure." she replied. Flowerfur's eyes lit up an she nodded. "When will you announce it to the Clan?" she asked as she turned to Birdstar.

"Right about now." Birdstar mewed as she smiled and padded out of the den.


"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, join beneath Tallrock for a clan meeting!" Birdstar called.

Streampaw walked towards Tallrock to join Flowerfur and Birdstar. She felt her ears flicker as she heard Finchflight's kits chattering among themselves. She glanced to the side and saw Amberkit and Abbykit talking. "Maybe our apprentice ceremonies are today!?" Amberkit shouted. Abbykit swat the ginger and white kit over her ear and hissed, "Don't be silly! We have to wait another five moons!" Streampaw giggled as she passed them and she gently flicked their ears with her tail. The two kits giggled and sat next to their mother to watch. Streampaw settled herself in front of Tallrock and waited for Birdstar to announce the new change.

I'm ready for this...I hope, she thought.

Birdstar suddenly began speaking. "Everyone, as you all know. Flowerfur won't be around forever. So, she has decided to accept Streampaw's request, and will be glad to take her as her new apprentice!" Streampaw felt her fur turn hot with embarrassment as the Clan let out yowls of approval. "Flowerfur, I'll let say a few words." Flowerfur nodded and took Birdstar's place.

"I am proud to have such a young,intelligent cat join the world of medicine cats. She will grow to be a great healer. So, at the next half moon, I will take her to Moonstone to make her approved as the Clan's next medicine cat!" Cheers went up all around the camp. Streampaw saw her mother cheering the loudest. I hope I'll make you proud mom...

  The ceremony ended and the cats scattered across the clearing. Streampaw made her way towards her mother. "I'm so proud that my little kit is going to be our medicine cat." Skyheart mewed. Streampaw nodded and burried her muzzle into her mother's fur. "Do you think I'll do okay mom?" she asked. Skyheart nodded. "Of course you will. Now, I have to get to a patrol. I'll see you later sweetie." Streampaw mewed farewell and watched her mother walk away.

I'm going to make you and the Clan proud mom, I promise. I've made the right decision.         

Suddenly, Streampaw heard the same voice that had said the prophecy. But, the words were more promising this time.

The stream has turned into a river, flowing faster and faster, as her future is engraved in the stars.

"Thank you Leafcloud for helping me... Thank you StarClan for guiding me." Streampaw mewed as she got up and padded towards the medicine den.

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