Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

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Streamkit let out a snezze as her mother, Skyheart, licked her nose. "Hold still now." Skyheart whispered lovingly. Streamkit opened her eyes and looked around. "I want to play though." she mewed eagerly. Skyheart continued licking her silver and white tabby pelt. "Hold on, I'm almost done." Streamkit sighed impatiently.

I think my fur is more than perfect by now, she told herself silently. Streamkit suddenly saw her mothers gray-blue tail twitching back and forth. Streamkit shook herself free of her mother's grasp and leapt at her tail. "Look! I'm attacking an adder!" she yelled happily.

Skyheart laughed and said, "That's no adder!" Streamkit looked up quizzically. "What is it?" Skyhearts eyes narrowed playfully. "That's RiverClan cat's tail!" Skyheart pounced next to Streamkit and batted her ears gently. "WindClan attack!" Streamkit yelled as her mother's paw barely missed her nose.

Suddenly, someone yelled, "Skyheart, your going to have your daughter chasing badgers without hesitation, through the camp!" Streamkit looked up to see the ginger queen, Finchflight; who was squeezing her way into the nursery. Skyheart laughed and mewed as she nuzzled Streamkit, "Then my daughter will be a fearless little warrior!"

Streamkit beamed with pride. "I'll be the best warrior the clan has ever seen!". The two she-cat's let out mrrowws of laughter. "Alright then Streamkit," Skyheart meowed. "Go play outside so, Finchflight, can get some rest."

Streamkit nodded and made her way out of the nursery. As far as she knew, her mother was the only one in the camp who had time to play with her. She was the only kit in the nursery, and Finchflight's kits wouldn't arrive for another half moon. She brushed the thought aside and looked up.The camp looked the same as always: busy.

Maybe I should keep exploring the dens, I still haven't visited all of them, Moonkit told her self silently. She remembered that the only den she hadn't seen was the medicine den. "I may as well look around." she whispered. Streamkit trotted across the clearing towards the medicine den.

She peered inside the den. No cat was inside; nothing but a bunch of herbs was inside the den. She took a pawstep forward and them she took a quick sniff. "Smells like leaves." Streamkit mewed. She padded around the den, looking at everything. There was flowers,seeds,leaves, and mixtures of all sorts. Wow, Streamkit yowled in her head. She suddenly saw a strange smelling bile. "Ewww! What is that stuff!?" Streamkit yelled.

"That would be mouse bile." a voice rasped.

Streamkit turned around to see a rosy ginger and white she-cat walking towards her. "Well mouse bile smells like crow food!" Streamkit squeaked. The she-cat said, "Your not supposed to stick your nose in it." The cat chuckled and said, "Your Skyheart's kit aren't you? I'm Flowerfur, the medicine cat; your mother probably mentioned me" Streamkit nodded. She remembered her mother telling her about Flowerfur.

Suddenly Flowerfur's face grew serious. "Did someone send you in here? Do you need anything?" Streamkit shook her head. "No. I thought I could go exploring!" she mewed defiantly. Flowerfur nodded, her whiskers twitching with amusement. Streamkit could tell she was in some sort of trouble.

"Am I in trouble?" she asked worriedly. Flowerfur laid her tail on Streamkit's flank. "No. Or, not this time." she said gently. "Just don't come in here without permission. Only if your hurt or you need something."

Streamkit nodded, and said, "Don't worry I won't!" Flowerfur sent her away with a playful flick of her tail. Wow... one of those leaves, or flowers could of saved some cat, Streamkit thought in awe. "Maybe... maybe I could be a medicine cat?"

That night, Streamkit was curled up besides Skyheart thinking about being a medicine cat. Should I... Or should I not be a medicine cat? Streamkit sighed, and looked at her mother. "No. I'm a warrior. And I'll always be a warrior!" Streamkit curled up, and settled her head on her paws. I'll be a warrior my mother can be proud of... A warrior my clan can be proud of.

And with that thought, Streamkit drifted up to sleep; dreaming of her growing to be a great WindClan warrior.

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