Chapter 5: The Confession

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The moment Streampaw had mewed those words, Flowerfur had froze. "The...its... It can't be..." she stammered. Flowerfur took a step forward but only stumbled over her own paws. Streampaw rushed forward to help the stunned medicine cat. "Are you OK? Did those words mean anything?" Streampaw asked hastily.

Flowerfur didn't reply, she was muttering something under her breath. "Flowerfur?" The medicine cat shook her coat and looked at Streampaw. "Streampaw. Are you sure you want to be a warriors apprentice?

Streampaw suddenly fluffed up to twice her size. "What do you mean!? Of course I do!"

Flowerfur winced, as if she had been hit over her own head. Why would she be so concerned about my future, Streampaw wondered. "What else would I be!? I'm a warrior!" Streampaw yelled angrily. Flowerfur took a step forward, and her eyes were full of desperation. "I... But," she stammered. Flowerfur sighed. "Its your decision." she mewed with a hint of sadness in her voice. Streampaw was suddenly taken aback by the medicine cats desperation.

She watched as Flowerfur began padding back to camp. "F-Flowerfur... I'm sorry I yelled!!! I-I'm sorry..." Streampaw said. Why did I yell, she didn't ask me anything wrong! Streampaw felt an overwhelming sense of guilt fill her body. "I'm sorry..." she murmured once again.

Streampaw began to walk towards camp. Her heart was pounding. She couldn't forget about how upset Flowerfur had been. I'll talk to her when I get back to camp and then I'll- Streampaw's thoughts were suddenly cut off as a earsplitting caterwaul rang through the air. Streampaw turned around to see four, full grown warriors, padding towards her.

"Well, well... Looks like WindClan has started to accept kits as apprentices." a mottled brown tom snarled. Streampaw was trying to look as brave as a TigerClan warrior. "I'm not a kit! What are you!? A crow-food eater!" Streampaw snarled. Her paws were trembling as she mewed those words.

A dark gray she-cat let out a menacing hiss. "At least ThunderClan can stay on their borders!" Streampaw tilted her head. "What are you talking about!? I was going back to camp!" she mewed. The ThunderClan cats let out mrrowws of laughter. "Look at this! WindClan kits don't even know where their border is!" the brown tom spat.

Streampaw whimpered as the cats took a step forward. "It was a mistake! I'm sorry!"

The brown tom sprang forward. "No, I'd rather show pathetic cats what they get for crossing our borders!" Streampaw let out a shriek as the tom grabbed her scruff and flung her to the ground. She tried springing away but the tom had already grabbed her again. "Help!" Streampaw cried out. She shut her eyes as the massive brown tom raised his paw and unsheathed his claws.

"Oakclaw! Stop this at once!" a new voice yowled. Streampaw open one of her eyes and saw a blue-gray tom cat padding toward her. The brown tom didn't move. "But Rainstar! She's trespassing!" The blue-gray tom widened his eyes. "Let. Go. Of. Her." he growled. The brown tom snarled and let go of Streampaw.

Streampaw got up and crouched on the ground whimpering. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me!" she whispered. Rain star laid his tail on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm sure that it was an honest mistake!"

Rainstar snarled the last few words over his shoulder. "I'm sorry if your hurt. I'll escort you back to your camp."
Streampaw nodded and stood up on her shaky legs. "OK thank you."

Streampaw began padding after Rainstar and his patrol. What have I done...

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