Chapter 14: A Cold Leaf-Bare

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"Streampaw! Can you get me some catmint? Raintail's cough still hasn't stopped." Flowerfur mewed from the warriors den. Streampaw looked up from her vole and nodded. She ran in the medicine den and took some of the fuzzy leaves from their little store. "Coming Flowerfur!" she said, her voice muffled as she held the leaves in her mouth. As Streampaw trotted into the warriors den, she was welcomed by a fit of coughing from Raintail. Flowerfur looked up and said, "Oh thank StarClan we still have some catmint." The ginger and white she-cat grabbed the precious leaves and nudged then towards Raintail. He coughed and looked down at the herbs. "Eat them. They'll help you." Streampaw said as the warrior continued to stare at the leaves. He nodded and started chewing them.

Streampaw sighed. The gray-blue warrior had been sick with white-cough for the past few weeks; and his cough only seemed to worsen. Finchflight had insisted on staying with him but she had only made it worse because she had gotten sick as well. Now 5 moons old, Abbykit and Amberkit were sleeping in the nursery alone with Swiftheart, who had now moved in expecting Rabbitfoot's kits. Now even Birdstar was sick;but, she had green-cough instead. Now almost half the cats in camp were sick with white or green-cough.

"There you go Raintail. That should help your cough." Flowerfur said as she picked up the herbs she had used. Finchflight whimpered as she moved closer to Raintail. "How's her fever?" Streampaw asked. Flowerfur lay a paw on Finchflight's forehead and shook her head. "It's still bad." Streampaw sighed and walked out of the warriors den. She saw Lionclaw sending out some hunting patrols. She got an idea and bounded towards him. "Lionclaw!" she shouted. The massive golden tom turned around and smiled. "Do you need something Streampaw?" Streampaw nodded and said, "Yeah. Can you send out a patrol to search for more catmint?" (Abbykit)

 Can you send out a patrol to search for more catmint?" (Abbykit)

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The golden tom nodded. "I'll try. I'll send Grassfur and Hazelwhisker to the Twoleg farm." he said casually. Streampaw nodded and padded back to the medicine den. That should keep our supply up for now, she thought proudly. Streampaw had been busy during the past 3 moons. Since leaf-bare had been coming in, she had to help fill up the herb storage. And, since Amberkit always seemed to tumble into the medicine den, she had to carry her back to the nursery. "Streampaw," called a voice. Streampaw turned and saw her mother walking towards her. "Hi mom!" she said happily. Her mother smiled and drew her tongue over her ear. "How's my little medicine cat?" she asked gently.

Streampaw purred in amusement and said, "I'm doing fine." Skyheart purred and sat down. "It's just wonderful-- seeing my daughter find her true calling." said Skyheart. Streampaw saw her mother's eyes brighten as she mentioned that. "To be honest, it feels good to finally find it." she sighed. Suddenly, Streampaw heard a wail. "I have to go see whats wrong." she said as she mewed farewell to her mother. Just as Streampaw turned around she saw Lightningpaw, Fawnleap, and Hazelwhisker run through the camp entrance. Hazelwhisker was limping because he was bleeding from his shoulder and his hind leg. Streampaw gasped and ran to find Flowerfur.


Flowerfur crouched over Hazelwhisker as she put marigold leaves on his wounds. "I need more cobwebs." she said as she looked up from the light brown warrior. Streampaw grabbed a few more cobwebs and passed them to her. Hazelwhisker groaned as she pressed them on his cut. The cut in his shoulder had been worse then it actually looked. "Does it need more marigold? Won't it get infected?" Streampaw asked. Flowerfur shook her head. "It shouldn't get infected as long as he stays still." she mewed. Flowerfur always seemed to be calm in these sort of situations. The heather leaves on the den rustled as Birdstar entered.

The old she-cat glanced at Hazelwhisker and sighed. "Is he alright?" she asked. Flowerfur nodded. "He should be fine. But what happened? Who attacked him?" she asked. Streampaw went and sat next to Flowerfur as Birdstar explained what had happened. "Fawnleap, Lightningpaw, and him had gone down to the RiverClan border to patrol it. He saw a rabbit and it ran across the order and he didn't realize it. So, when he realized, he was about to turn back and a patrol saw him. They attacked Hazelwhisker and since they were outnumbered, Fawnleap ran to defend him and they managed to escape that fight."

"RiverClan must've seen that it was a mistake?" Streampaw suddenly piped up. Birdstar seemed a little amused but she shook her head. "It's leaf-bare and prey is scarce. The rivers in their territory must have frozen over." she meowed. Streampaw shrugged and said, "I guess so." Flowerfur let out a purr of amusement and laid her tail on Streampaw's shoulder. "Ha, she's growing up isn't she Birdstar?" The two she-cats laughed and they went to go get some fresh-prey.

Streampaw sat in the den as Hazelwhisker licked his wounds. "Will it be okay?" he mumbled as he lay back down. Streampaw laughed at the warrior's concern. "It'll be fine! Besides, we have plenty of marigold." she joked. They both laughed and Streampaw went to go get her own fresh-kill for a good snack.


Hey guys! So just wanted to say the first pic is of me and Amberkit and the second one is Abbykit. So yeah, hope you liked the extra long update!

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