Chapter 9: A Storm

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Thunder roared overhead as Streampaw ran and ran and ran away from he camp. Her heart was pounding in her ears louder than the wind and rain that was soaking her pelt from root to tip. Every heartbeat was louder than the last; as if her heart was begging her to shout every feeling and worry to the skies. Streampaw felt herself trip over her own paw and she landed in a cold puddle. She let out a growl and sprang back up. She didn't care where she ran anymore. There's no hope left or me, she wailed to herself.

Streampaw skidded to a halt at the top of the rain soaked ridge, raised her head, and let out a high-pitched wail of sorrow. She could only just make out the faint glimmer of the stars behind the pitch black clouds. Streampaw narrowed her eyes and let out a frustrated shriek. Were her ancestors even watching?

"My own leader doesn't believe in me! Have you given up on me too!? Great StarClan! Is there any hope left for me anywhere!?"

Streampaw felt her legs give way underneath her and she felt cold rain soaking into her belly fur. She was gasping for air because of the run and the shouting. She whimpered as lightning split the dark sky. "StarClan... please help me. Please..."she whispered, fighting back tears. Streampaw curled up to shield herself from the rain. Its was already making her fur heavy and damp. She looked up once more. "Streampaw." a faint voice called. Streampaw looked up to see a star-dotted tortoiseshell and white she-cat padding towards her.

"Who are you!?" Streampaw gasped. The she-cat laid her tail on Streampaw's rain-soaked flank. "Don't be afraid, Streampaw." Streampaw wanted to pull away from the strange cat, but she felt frozen solid. "Are you from StarClan?" she asked, her voice filled with awe. The she-cat nodded, her eyes filled with amusement. "Yes, I am one of your ancestors." Streampaw bowed her head and looked back up. "What do you want from me? What's your name?" The StarClan cat smiled and laughed softly. "My name is Leafcloud. I was once WindClan's medicine cat." Streampaw's mind was racing, but only one question mattered to her at that moment.

"What am I supposed to do know Leafcloud? My own leader doesn't believe in me. My deputy, and my medicine cat have stopped believing in me. And...I've stopped believing in myself." Streampaw whispered, her eyes glowing with emotion.

Leafcloud sat next to Streampaw and laid her tail on her flank. "But your ancestors know that you have a bright future ahead of you Streampaw. We have not given up hope. Cats that are close to you have not given up hope. You must keep the flame of hope ignited in your heart." Streampaw looked up at the she-cat once more. She's right. If I give up hope, there will be nothing left, she thought. "I will keep the hope Leafcloud. I promise."

The StarClan cat nodded. "There's a path that you must follow Streampaw. Its engraved in the stars, but only you will be able to find and follow it." she mewed. Leafcloud suddenly began to fade into thin air. Streampaw pounced back up onto her paws and raced toward where the she-cat had been a moment ago. "Wait! Don't go!" But Leafcloud was already gone. Suddenly, Leafcloud's voice filled the air around Streampaw, and they said the words Streampaw had heard several times before.

"Flowing in a course set down in her heart ;one must decide whether to change the paw's of fate. Follow your heart Streampaw. Follow what's in you heart."

Streampaw's ears flickered as the voice faded into the faint whistling of the wind. I will Leafcloud... I will... I know what path is mine to follow now, Streampaw vowed silently. She shook her wet fur and began making her way back to camp, finally knowing the true path she must follow.

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