Chapter 2: I Am Streampaw

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Streamkit looked up from the gorse bush she was hiding in. "They'll never find me here." she whispered excitedly. She could here the soft paw steps getting closer and closer and closer...

Suddenly, a fluffy gray kit burst through the leaves! "Found you!" Streamkit laughed. "Yeah you did." Within a heart beat two other kits burst through bush and landed on her back. Streamkit felt a wave of joy spread over her. Finchflight's kits had been born a few weeks early, and now they were bouncing bundles of endless energy!

Streamkit let out a playful moan and fell over. "You've killed me!" The kits let out half terrified squeaks. "Your going to crush us!" a brown tabby named, Owlkit yelled. The other kits squealed again. "Alright kits! Get off of Streamkit!" Finchflight yowled. The kits, who were still squealing, leapt off of Streamkit and bounded away. Streamkit looked up and saw Finchflight with Raintail, the kits father.

"Thanks Finchflight!" Streamkit yelled. Raintail laughed and said, "You can handle those kits better than I can!" he said with his eyes shining. "You should go and get ready for the ceremony." Finchflight mewed.

What ceremony, Streamkit wondered. Suddenly, Streamkit remembered that today was her apprenticeship ceremony! And her fur was a mess! "I look like I've been dragged through a pile of brambles!" she yelled.

"That's why, I am going to make sure your not a mess." a voice behind Streamkit meowed gently. Streamkit turned around and saw Skyheart padding towards her. "Come here! Look at you, your fur's all spiky." Skyheart said as she began to draw her tongue over Streamkit's ears. "I'm so excited!" Streamkit whispered loudly. Skyheart laughed. "I know you are." Streamkit suddenly felt a wave of worry crash over her.

"Skyheart... what if I mess up during training?! Or I get into trouble!?" Streamkit burst out. Skyheart smiled and stroked Streamkit's flank. "Don't worry... do you want to know something?"

Streamkit looked up, her bright blue eyes wide. "What?" Skyheart leaned closer and whispered, "When I was an apprentice, I clawed another cat at a Gathering. I was in so much trouble then." Streamkit blinked, looked back at her mother. "You? You got in trouble?!" Skyheart nodded, her warm amber eyes, filled with amusement. "Every cat here has had their fair share of trouble, even me."

Relief filled Streamkit, from her whiskers to her tail tip. "Wow... Do- do you think I'll be a good apprentice?" Skyheart nodded. "I'm sure of it! Now go wait beneath TallRock, Birdstar is going to call the meeting any second." Streamkit nodded and raced over to the Meeting Hollow. The entire clan was already waiting.

Streamkit curled her tail around her paws, and tried to look calm. But her twitching whiskers gave away her excitement. Suddenly, cats around her began to look up. Streamkit knew Birdstar was about to call the rest of the clan. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath TallRock for a clan meeting!" Within a second, cats began to emerge from the dens, and make their way to the Meeting Hollow.

Streamkit felt her heart begin to race, and her tail began to tremble with excitement. I'm going to be the best warrior ever! Birdstar's gray and white pelt looked sleek in the sunlight, and her yellow eyes flashed with pride. "Naming our young kits into apprentices, show that our clan with continue to prosper, and today we name a new apprentice!"

Streamkit forced herself not to squeal. A warrior doesn't squeal, she told herself silently. "Streamkit," Birdstar called gently, "step forward." Streamkit lifted her head and held her tail high as she padded towards the base of TallRock. "Until this apprentice has earned her warrior name, she will be known as, Streampaw!" Birdstar announced. Cheers went up from the warriors and other cats bellow.

"Streampaw! Streampaw!"

Streampaw saw Skyheart yowling her new name loudest of all. Birdstar flicked her tail for silence, and the hollow went quiet. "Fawnleap, you are a wise warrior, who has many moons of experience. I trust that you will train Streampaw to be a wonderful warrior." Streampaw watched as a creamy brown she-cat with brown paws step forward, and pad over to her. "I will do my very best, Birdstar." she replied proudly. Streampaw felt her legs begin to shake under the watchful stares of her
clan -mates.

Fawnleap stepped forward and lowered her head to touch noses with Streampaw. "Don't worry, you'll make a great warrior." she whispered. Streampaw nodded and lifted her head once again.

I am Streampaw... I am Streampaw....

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