Part 13

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Ash's POV
Urgh! I threw my phone down next to me and jumped on my sofa. It had been 6 months since I left Bristol and I didn't really want to go back but the hospital had rang saying they NEEDED me to come back. I remember after that day I left I just kept walking and got on the first train out of Bristol, I phoned work on the way and took unpaid time off; now my holiday was over and it was apparently time to go back or at least to go back and give my notice in then I would have to work until they let me leave. I picked up the remote and turned on the TV in my little rented flat. The news came onto the screen and there was images of a fire and a building that had exploded; the reporter came on and turns out it was a funeral parlour in Bristol; suddenly something clicked in my mind that was THE funeral parlour, the one the vampires used. I wondered what had happened the reporter then said there was bodies found at the scene. My mind was immediately cast to Mitchell- I worried about him for the first time since I left. Well I needed to go back anyway so I booked a train ticket from Somerset on the 16th June, or tomorrow. I quickly ran upstairs and begun to pack. It was time to go back and face my demons...

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