Big Mistake

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Stupid. Dumb. Ugly.
That's what you say.

Every time you see them,
they try to fade away.

You think it's funny,
That it doesn't even hurt them.

Truth is they can't handle it.
You break them each day.

They're to scared to tell someone
They try and hide from you.

You think it's just fun and games.
But there're things you don't know.

First they go to therapy.
Then into deep depression.

Then they start to get bad thoughts,
That get stronger everyday.

One day they've just had enough
They start to act on their thoughts.

They get the pills
When no ones home.

They take a bunch
All at once

And there you are
Relaxed at home

Not a care in your head
Don't know what's going on

While at their house
They're crying, in pain

The ambulance hurries over
And takes them away.

The next day at school
You wait by their locker

They don't show up
Even a few days later

You start to wonder
Where they are

A few nights later
After dinner

You see the news
And cry with guilt

You see them there
On the news

Teenager dead
Committed suicide

They say it's from bullying
You feel like you might die

You hide in your room
For the next few days

When you go back to school
People stop and stare

They point and whisper
Their eyes burn into yours

They say it's all your fault
You know it's your fault

You regret everything you said
Every punch you took

Everyone knows it
And you do too.

It's all your fault
You didn't mean to take it far

You grow up with these regrets
But you will always know

That bullying is wrong
And they should still be here

And sadly you realize
Something you always knew deep down inside

That all of this mess
The bullying and death

Is all your fault
And in your defense

It was just one
Big mistake.

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