Chapter #8: Refugees?!

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(Mystery POV):
"Come on, don't stop! We're almost there!" I yelled to my group as we dashed through the heavily wooded trail to Power Move City. We're running from the clutches of evil dictator Sir Notchicus II, from the city of Notchicus, named after his father.
"Jin, I can't keep up!" Ross yelled as he began to drag behind, Barney picking him up and onto his back, keeping up with Brotato.
"I see it!" I yelled, the gate of Power Move City coming into view.
We reached the gate as our lungs burned, vision going dark at the edges.                                                       

(Hallie's POV):

We were gathered in the dining hall, finishing up breakfast when my phone rang. I answered it and put it on speaker. "Hello?" "Is everyone in the room?" The guard asked. "Yes, what's going on?" I asked.
"We need you at the gate, inmediately. We have who we believe to be 4 refugees, from neighboring Notchicus, they passed out from exhaustion. We have them until you get here, then we must 

"This sounds serious father, we should go." Betty said to Benja.
"Let's roll, guys! This is going to be interesting." Kass said as we got up and headed for the gates.

The guard from the phone met us there. "They're in the holding area, right this way your majesties."

We followed him to a room, with 4 cots set up. There was a body on each one.

The first one was asian, with a white and purple jacket. Beside him was a...purple and green dinosaur?? Okay... Across the room from them was a narwhal-human hybrid, next to him was a rather...attractive boy with glasses, a red and gray checkered jacket, and shaggy brown hair. They all looked so exhausted, poor things.

"I suggest we take them with us, question them when they wake up." Bacca said. 

"Good idea. Boys, grab one each." I said. Thanking the guards, we loaded up and left back to the castle.

(Jin's POV, 3 days later):

I opened my eyes to a bright white light. Where am I? Oh god, where are the guys?! "Guys! You okay?!" I whisper-yelled. "Jin? That you?" Ross said. "Yeah man. Thank god." I sat up in the bed, wiping my face with the sea-foam green sheets. I saw Barney next to me, Ross next to him, and Brotato on my other side. I'm just thankful we all made it. Just then, Brotato and Barney woke up."guys! I think we-" i was interrupted by the sound of the big metal door opening.

A man with a jacket similar to Brotato's walked in, a woman with glowing blue skin and a brown dress behind him.

"Good, you're awake. Betty, go get the rest of the group." He told "Betty". She left with a "yes, father."

Once more people walked in, there were a lot of people around us. We're scared now. "W-what are y-Brotato asked, stuttering in fear. 

(Brotato's POV):

What are they gonna do to us?? Just then, a girl walked up and... WOW. She was absoutely gorgeous. "Relax. You're safe here. I'm Hallie." She went down the line of people. "This is Sky, Benja, Betty, Ryan, Jerome, but call him Bacca, and Kassandra, but call her Kass." They waved hello.

"Now we can't let you stay here, but there is a 5-bedroom guest house in the back garden. You can live there. Sky and Ryan will show you." And we left.

Life just got SO MUCH better. I hope i can get to know Hallie more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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