Chapter #2: operation- power Move Takeover.

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(Hallie's POV):

So here we are, putting on our "battle gear", which comsists of half-budder, half-diamond armor, with protection II, projectile protection I, and blast protection I. "Come on, let's roll." Kass whispered as we headed out into the night, weapons in hand, ready to take over Power Move City.

(Jerome's POV):

"So what do we have tonight?" I asked the catering chef as Mitch, Ryan and I walked into the Eating Hall. The catering waitress, Sandrica answered: "I have prepared for you a raw fish souflee', Mitch a Vile Creature salad, and for Ryan, Batarang-shaped pancakes. "YAY! BATMAN!" Ryan said excitedly, as Mitch and I laughed so ahrd we nearly spit out our food. "dckjlncdklbjcdgebkjvkhunj?", Mitch mumbled. "Mitch, buddy, finish your food first!" I said as he attempted to speak again. He then continued: "I said, so when are we gonna check out the new Betty statue in Le Centre Park?" He asked curiously. "After dinner probly. the grand opening is tomorrow, so this is perfect." 

(FF to after dinner, in the park) (Ryan's POV):

"Isn't it beautiful?" I said to the guys as we pulled up to the statue. "Sure is, does Betty plenty of justice too." Jerome said. About 20 minutes passed by, until we were broken from our thoughts of admiration with the sound of the city alarm. "3 bells? that's a-a-A BURGLARY!!" Mitch yelled as we ran to the SUV and drove back to the Power Move Mansion. "WHO'S THERE?!" I yelled as I saw Jerome was missing from where he was standing just a second ago. Same with Mitch. Then everything went black...

(Kassandra's POV):

"God, why are they so HEAVY?!" I said in frustration, trying, and eventually succeeding, to tie Jerome to a chair, beside Ryan and Mitch. Hallie walked in with 2 locked boxes, and said "Freddy's on top, Betty's on bottom", handing me the boxes. I sat them on the top shelf of the supply closet, surrounded by tripwire-triggered arrow dispensers. "We can leave them for now." I said. "We should keep watch, ya know, in case they wake up." Hallie suggested. "Good idea, I'll take first watch. Every 3 hours sound good?" "Yeah, sounds good." She said as she walked off, towards the kitchen probably. 

(Mitch's POV):

"Wh-where am I? Jerome? Ryan?" I hoarsely whispered. I was tied to a chair. Man, whoever did this is incredibly strong. I thought to myself before I was interrupted form my thoughts by a feminine-sounding voice, "They're all up Hallie, what now?" One asked. Wait, they?  "What's going on?! Where am I?" I heard a voice say. Oh my notch, Jerome! "Fluffy buddy, you ok?" "Yeah, except for these crazy tight knots on my hands. I heard another voice say: "Ok good, so what do you think of my knots? Pretty tight for a girl, right?" She said, her hair hiding her face, smashed flat by a helmet, with the rest of her armor as well. There was another girl behind her too. Kinda shorter (Don't hate me biggums! :D) but equally tough. "What do we do now?" The shorter one asked. "I honestly don't know, I didn't think this would be so easy, ehehe." She laughed nervously. "JUST ANSWER ME!! WHERE ARE WE?!" I yelled out of half-panic, half-anger. "You're in your own home, of course! We live in a too-small cottage outside the city, so we figured it'd just be easier to keep you here." The taller one said. "What do you want?" Ryan asked angrily. "It's really quite simple. We are the new rulers of power move city."  "WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THIS?!" I yelled again. Then the shorter one, Hallie, I think, spoke up. "It's so easy. We are tired of living in poverty, so we decided that since you can't do your job and care for ALL of your citizens, then we will!" Then she unlocked us. And we attempted to fight back, but were only able to get ourselves into a bind, LITERALLY. We were cuffed in a slave-chain, going to where I realized were the worst place to go: The dungeons.  Just as fluffy was thrown into a cell, LITERALLY thrown, I tried out of anger to free myself as we were thrown into ours. "THIS IS ANIMAL ABUSE!!!" Fluffy screamed, earning a scoff from Hallie.


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