Chapter #4: PARTY TIME!

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(1 week later) (Kass' POV):

So there we were, in the new house. It was circular with 3 levels. bottom was HUGE kitchen, 2 bathrooms, and MASSIVE living area, The middle was 7 bedrooms (all master, with bath) which were Husky's, Sky's, Hallie's, Jason's, Ty's, Tyler's (Brotato), and mine. top was 4 more bedrooms, which were Ssundee's, Mitch's, Ryan's, and Jerome's, with a MASSIVE gaming room and a pool, trampoline, and pig pen out back for Geoffrey. Last but not least, it had an 8 car garage that currently held the batmobile, Mitch's lime green ford explorer, Jerome's brown mini-cooper, and Hallie and I's brand new electric blue Toyota Camry, courtesy of Brotato. "GUYS WE HAVE A PARTY IN ! HOUR GET READY!!" Ryan screamed. Oh yeah, we're having a party to celebrate the first 7-way-rule in PMC.

(FF to halfway through party):

"FFFOOOOOORR NAAAARNIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" jerome screamed, jumping into the pool with nothing but a tie on. *SPLAAASH!!* water. EVERYWHERE. "NIIICE!!" Someone screamed, me too drunk to care. "ME NEXT!!" I screamed, running into the house and in through Jason's room to his balcony, and I jumped the 100-foot-drop into the massive pool, screaming BACCABUNGAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" And yet another splash. (1 hour later) We were now inside, dancing to "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus. "AND I CAME IN LIKE A WWWRRREEEEEECCCKKKIIIIIIIINNNNGGGG BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!!!" Sky screamed, obviously drunk off his buddery ass, and came by swinging on the chandelier. sweet mother of Notch... 

Eventually we all got bored and went and got... sweet mother of Notch... Nerf Guns."INDOOR MANHUNT! I'LL COUNT FIRST!!" Derp Ssundee screamed, oh dear god. (20 minutes later) "NNNUUUUUUUU!! I SOWWY!!" Hallie screamed, sliding down the staircase railing trying to escape Ty's amazing aim. Soon the game was over, and the hiding spots were as follows:

Me- the kitchen, under the sink

Hallie- Behind the shower curtain in Jason's room

Ryan- in the garage, hiding in the batmobile trunk

Mitch- under his bed beside Jerome

Jerome- beside Mitch (he was found because his quivering tail was sticking out, thus getting Mitch found too.) 

Tyler- outside behind a bush, ambushing nearby players

Sky- in the fridge, behind the budder (badum-CRASH!!)

Husky- outside in the pig pen 

Ssundee- in his room under his desk 

Derp Ssundee- first seeker 

Ty- in bathroom cabinet in Hallie's room (he found her when she walked into the bathroom to hide behind the shower curtain...ameteurs.)

MU- in his room, not giving a single FUCK about the game. 

Geoffey- being his normal piggy self, derpin' around.

All in all, it was the best party EVER. We all walked downstairs and crashed in a giant dogpile on the floor like we didn't even care. 

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