chapter #3: A side I never knew...

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(Benja's POV): 

"Just one more and...*click* done" I mumbled as I picked the lock. She forgot these are OUR dungeons, after all. I've gotten stuck in here before, so I know how to get out of it. I was about halfway down the hall when I swear I heard Kassandra (I think) screaming/crying. Very faint, so I knew she was in the soundproof office that Sky had installed last month. I tried to open the door, but to my luck it was locked. I  was about to knock when Hallie walked from the other end. "YOU! How did you get out?!" She demanded. "Picked the lock. Easy squeezy." I said in my funny voice. "Fine. but you have to promise to not run, and Betty and Freddy remain with us." "Fine." I grumbled, as she walked away. I tried the door again, but it wasn't budging. So naturally, I picked the lock to this door too. "Kassandra? Hello?" I whispered, getting sobbing in return. "Come on, whats wrong-oh my god.' I was so sad at that point. Her face was red and puffy like a tomato, her eyes were bloodshot, she was like I'd never seen anyone, not even the boys. "What? How did you get out?" She said between sobs. "OH to hell with this. I don't CARE ANYMORE!" "What's wrong?" I asked as I saw the pictures in her hand. "Its not a good day for me." "Whats in the pictures?" I asked curiously. "Fine. I'll tell you, but only because I kinda owe you for, you know, locking you up and stuff." I couldn't help but chuckle as she began: 

(Kassandra's POV): 

I started the story: (flashback to 4 years old): 

"MOMMY! DADDY! NOOOO!!" Hallie and I screamed as mean men took my parents from me and hers from her. They were beating them up badly as we were held and forced to watch. "B-Baby... be...good...stronger..." Was mommy's last word before she died. "Be...b-brave..." Was Hallie's mommy's last word before she died as well, our daddys being already dead. For some reason Hallie didn't cry. She hardly knew her parents anyways. (end of flashback):

"so I later learned that our parents weren't PMC (Power Move City)-borns, and all the non-PMC-borns were taken and killed, by orders of YOUR predecessors. YOUR people took our parents from us. I take it harder than Hallie, but I always cried in secret, before you found me. She thinks I'm not very bothered by it, but she doesn't know. I remembered the date. 14 years ago today. " I finished the story.

(Ryan's POV): 

"Jerome did you hear that?" I said as I took my ear off the wall. "So that's why they want to take over so avenge their parents!" I said as Jerome started to open the door. "We are so sorry our fathers did that to your parents, Kass, Hallie." Just then. Hallie walked in behind us."What are you..." Then Kassandra interrupted: "I told them, Hallie." "You did?" "mm-hm." Then I spoke up: "Now we know why you want to take over so bad. You want justice for your parents, since it WAS our people that killed them so maliciously." "So are we gonna be a family now or something?" "Yeah. One Big Power Move Family." Hallie said as we group hugged and Kassandra mumbled a "Thanks so much, guys."

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