Chapter 6: The Day Off

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(Back to your POV)

"I wonder what was wrong with Captain Hitsugaya yesterday..he seemed so angry, all day! He's never lashed out like that at me before!" I yelled. Today we had the day off and I was hanging out with rangiku and momo "it was like he was a whole other person! I almost broke down's been so long since anyone has been that cold to me..." I said sadly as I stared at the ground.

"well he sounds like the same old taichou to me..but then again he's always yelled at me!" rangiku said as she laughed loudly.
"don't worry about it (Y/N)-chan! He's just going through a phase right now..we had a little talk about it yesterday." momo said as she hugged me.
"eh! you did!?" I yelled unintentionally "why was he acting like that momo-chan!" I asked frantically.
"that's for me to know and you to find out!" she giggled.

I wasn't going to get anywhere with begging and pouting, I knew that all too well.
"oi!" two familiar voices called out to us simultaneously, and those two people were renji and toshiro.
"hey guys!" momo smiled and waved.
"hi taichou! hi renji!" rangiku yelled.
"h-hey guys." I mumbled while trying to smile.
"what are you guys up to?" renji asked as he plopped down next to me.
"I'm curious too." toshiro said as he sat between rangiku and momo, not bothering to even glance my direction.

So, he was still mad at me. Fantastic. To make things worse he's glaring at renji, but he doesn't notice since he's looking over at me. There was an awkward silence. Renji ended up being the one to break it, thank god he did.
"so you guys wanna go grab some lunch? I'm craving some dumplings, and you loved them (Y/N)!" renji laughed.
"sounds good to me." rangiku, momo and I answered. Renji glanced over at toshiro. He sighed and slowly nodded
"might as well, I'm hungry." he mumbled.

We got our dumplings and sat down at a nearby table. Momo sat between rangiku and I, and before renji could sit down, toshiro took the seat next to me. Renji, rangiku and I stared at him in shock, while momo sat there and giggled.
"um Captain Hitsugaya you're sitting in my spot" renji pointed to where toshiro was sitting.
"I don't see you're name written on it abarai." he stated coldly as momo, rangiku and I quietly giggled at them.
"shiro-chan I've never heard you say that, you sound a bit like a child!" momo said as rangiku bursted out laughing.
"THATS CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA TO YOU!" toshiro yelled "and i don't sound like a child! I'm just stating the truth!" toshiro glared at momo and rangiku.

Renji glared at toshiro, whom paid no mind to him for he was to busy enjoying his dumplings. After we finished eating lunch it started to rain so we decided to go to toshiro's office and play some card games. We all sat around the coffee table by the couch, yet again we sat the same way as we did during lunch. Momo was between rangiku and i, toshiro sat next to me and renji across from us. We didn't even bother asking them to play with us anymore, they were to busy glaring at each other.

It was getting dark outside and everyone was getting ready to go home. Before we left renji stopped me in the hallway
"hey (Y/N)! so about tomorrow for lunch--"
"she's going to have lunch with me abarai, so don't try to make plans." toshiro cut renji off before he could ask. Rangiku momo and I looked at each other, then back at toshiro and renji glaring at each other. Renji looked at me.
"is that true (Y/N)?" renji asked me.
"u-uh. yes I guess so." I answered awkwardly "maybe the next day renji!" I said. Renji looked at the floor defeated, he sighed then looked at toshiro.

"fine." is all he said before walking away. I stared in the direction that renji had walked. Momo and rangiku giggled.
"well we're heading out now guys!" momo said cheerfully.
"have fun making your lunch plans!" rangiku said as she winked at us. It was just toshiro and I now, oh god this feels so awkward. I was pulled out of my thoughts.
"oi (Y/N)." toshiro said cooly.
"y-yes sir?" I asked timidly.
"where do you wanna go for lunch tomorrow?" he said as he looked at me, from the lighting in the hallway it looked as if he was slightly blushing. I must just be imagining it though.

" doesn't really matter to me Captain!" I answered "but as long as you're happy having lunch with me, that's the only thing that matters!" I said cheerfully. He just stared at me, this time I could see he was blushing. I had just realized what I just said to him and I could feel my face start to heat up.
"Oh god..I CANT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT TO HIM!!!" I screamed inwardly. But it's how I truly felt, and it just slipped out. He slowly nodded.
"if I wasn't going to enjoy it why would I butt in before abarai could make lunch plans with you?" he quietly asked as he looked away, still blushing. I couldn't help but smile, I've never seen him like this and it made me happy inside seeing a different side of him.

"well, we'll figure out lunch tomorrow I think it's time we head home it's getting late." he said as he looked at me "do you want me to walk you home?" he asked.
"oh I couldn't possibly ask you to do such a thing!" I replied quickly.
"it's fine, let's just get going. which was do you live?" he asked as he scratched his head.
"that way." I pointed.
"let's go then." he said as he grabbed my hand I looked down at our hands and back up at toshiro. He was looking forward with an expressionless face, while I on the other hand was blushing. We walked side by side, hand in hand in silence all the way to my house.

We finally made it to my house, I wanted to walk around a little more with toshiro but it was late and I knew he must have been tired from this long adventurous day. As we made our way to the front door he let go of my hand, I felt sad when he did.
"well have a goodnight, see you in the morning." he said as he started walking away. No..i didn't want him to leave yet..before I knew it I called out to him.

"C-Captain!" I called out to him. He turned around and I ran up to him
"I had fun today and I look forward to tomorrow! I hope you have a goodnight and I'll see you in the morning!" I said gleefully, then kissed him on the cheek and quickly ran inside my house so he couldn't see my face which by now was as red as renji's hair. I can't believe I did that either, I'm taking quite the risks today it seems.

I ran into my room got ready for bed, and crawled under my covers. I was so excited for tomorrow, I just wanted to sleep away the time. But i couldnt help but reflect on the things that happened today. How toshiro sat by me, how he made lunch plans for us, when he grabbed my hand and how I kissed him on the cheek. Just thinking about those things I could feel my face heat up and a big smile made its way on my face.
"I can't wait till morning!" I quietly yelled, and with that I fell asleep.

well, some exciting and funny things happened in this chapter!
this is by far the longest chapter, and I'm pretty proud of it not gonna lie c:
hope you liked it as well!
Toshiro: well, this was quite the chapter.
Ai: yes it was! I can't wait for everyone to read the next chapter!
Toshiro: exciting things going to happen?
Ai: well, you and the readers will have to wait and find out *winks*
Toshiro: oh what a cliff hanger *rolls eyes*
Ai: indeed indeed! I like to troll my readers a bit when it comes to this kinda stuff (・ω・)ノ !

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