Chapter 10

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                    Toshiro's POV:

"Matsumoto!" I exclaimed as I grabbed Matsumoto by the arm "have you seen (Y/N)??"
"Ehh? no I haven't, she didn't show up yet?" Matsumoto asked as she tilted her head to the side.
"no she hasn't, and it's already lunch time!" I yelled "when was the last time you saw her?" I questioned.
"the last time I saw (Y/N) was yesterday after work! she was talking to Renji" Matsumoto answered.

a shiver ran down my spine, thousands of thoughts running through my mind. where was (Y/N)? did Renji do something to (Y/N)? he's been watching her from a distance like a predator watching its prey, for quite some time. no....ever since (Y/N) and I got closer is when I started to notice it.

"did you notice anything odd?" I asked.
"no they were just talking from what I could tell." Matsumoto answered "you seem oddly suspicious about Renji heichou.." Matsumoto stared at me.
"that would be because that bastard has been watching (Y/N) from the shadows!" I growled "he's behind (Y/N)s disappearance! I just know he is!"

Matsumoto looked at me with a baffled expression.
"heichou, that's a serious accusation you're making right now." Matsumoto stated "(Y/N) probably just got sick and forgot to tell us she wouldn't be showing up for work. she hasn't 'disappeared' she just hasn't shown up for work yet!"
"you're wrong Matsumoto. something isn't right. (Y/N) would have shown up, even if she was sick and you know it as well as I do." I glared at Matsumoto "I'm going to go look for her with or without you." I started to walk away.

"shiro-chan!" Momo ran into the room gasping for air "I've been looking for (Y/N)! have you by chance seen her? we were supposed to have lunch together but she didn't show up."
"no I haven't, but I'm going to look for her. I have a gut feeling that Renji had something to do with her not being here." I looked Momo right in the eyes "will you help me look for her?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"of course shiro-chan. if you say that you suspect Renji had something to do with this, I wouldn't doubt it." Momos expression wavered "I've been noticing his odd behavior lately and it seems as though the timing of her disappearance with the way he's been acting...doesn't look good at all."
"then let's go look for her momo." I looked at her before leaving the room "she could be in danger, let's hurry."

Hiya friends! Sorry for the short chapter, and very late update..! but here it is in all its glory! the new chapter! again I apologize for the long awaited chapter! I've been obsessing over new husbando DEFENDER OF JUSTICE! aka God Seven aka 707 aka hacker bae from MM~ I am working on a few chapters for other fanfics, but the next chapter will be made within a couple days: aka possibly 5-7 days due to having to finish other updates on other fanfics and my personal life~

PS: please do not send me msgs saying rude things just because I don't update RIGHT AWAY, some of you say some rude and hurtful things because of me not updating 24/7, thank you ^ω^

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