Chapter 13

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POV: Toshiro

I'm'm TERRIFIED. what is on this phone? Matsumoto looks terrified as well. what does she know. is she lying when she says she MIGHT know where Y/N is? is she in on this with renji? is she protecting him? even though Y/N may be in danger!? I have to listen to this. as much as I don't want to, if it helps me find Y/N then I will. I will find you Y/N. please just wait and believe in me.
I opened the phone and listened to the saved voicemail.
"hello captain Hitsugaya!"

"its meee~ renji~!" i gritted my teeth. just the way he said that irked me.
"I have our- I mean MY beautiful (Y/N) here with me!" renji said giddily "don't worry she's safe and sound with me captain!" *THUD* I heard something in the back round. that (Y/N)!?
"my dear (Y/N) please stop moving around so much I'm trying to have a conversation with captain hitsugaya right now~" renji cooed. oh that bastard is going to pay when I get my hands on him!
"Matsumoto. where is (Y/N) and renji?"
"captain I'm not sure--"
"WHERE ARE THEY!?!" I yelled "(Y/N) COULD BE DYING RIGHT NOW! TELL ME RIGHT NOW THATS AN ORDER!" I could feel my blood boiling with rage..and fear.

POV: Momo

shiro-chan....ive never seen him this angry before. renji boi, you're gonna get your head beat in, if not killed. how dare you kidnap my best friend (Y/N) ಥ_ಥ i shall end you myself! nah, I should let shiro-chan do that, he'd do a better job (⌒▽⌒)

POV: Matsumoto

what am I supposed to tell him? I don't know for certain where they are...but I have an idea. I need to see if I can get through to renji, before he OR captain hitsugaya end up getting into a fight. scratch that, before captain hitsugaya MURDERS him.
"captain, I may have an idea as to where they are but I can't say 100% yes that's where they are."
"well don't just stand there, tell me!"

POV: (Y/N)

*meow* I looked towards the window to see a little gray kitten.
"hi there little guy, come here~" I cooed while patting my lap. the kitten slowly made it's way over to me and hopped onto my lap.
"aren't you a little sweetheart" I smiled as I pet him "you sound like a little motor boat when you purr!" I giggled. I wonder what toshiro is doing right he looking for me? or does he not even care? ....I hope he comes to get me soon. I miss him so much...

yo yo home joe~ sorry about the whole momo part, i wanted a little laugh in there and why not let it be momo. I'm a lost soul, play me some black pink to help me find my way back home~


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