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okay, I apologize if you thought this was a new chapter is how I will start this off!

so! as I just learned, someone I follow is being bullied to the point where they are cutting, and I want people to know THIS IS A SERIOUS THING THAT PISSES ME OFF SINCE NO ONE EVER ASKS IF THEY ARE OKAY IF THEY SEE SCARS, OR SEE THEM BEING BULLIED. IS IT SO HARD TO ASK A PERSON IF THEY ARE OKAY?
I understand some people may not come out and say why they're cutting, but by asking and befriending these people is the best thing you can do. yes, friends over the internet may not be able to hug them, but we are able to comfort them with kindness and love which they are not getting. and for some of you who read this may think
"why do I care about this? It affects me in no way" is a selfish thing to say and or think. even if you can only say encouraging words to them, it'll make them feel better. trust me, I've been there and even if they can only say comforting words it made me feel soooo much better. having people to listen to me vent about my problems helped me, because I knew they actually cared when no one around me did. even now I am going through a similar situation as them, and all I can do is turn to people and ask for help even if all they can do is listen. so over all: if you see someone being bullied please help them. if you see scars, try to ask them if they're okay and try to help them in any way shape or form. become friends with these people, because they need wonderful positive people like you in their life. be the light that shines down enveloping all the dark they see, help them find the path to feeling happiness.

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