oh lord jesus T_T

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sooo! I'm here to apologize for taking so long to update!
I totally understand if you guys are upset--
but I thought I'd let you know why I ended up lying about updating within a week!
so I have 3 families (mom, step dad and biological father) and December is the busiest time for all of us. (I know it's a bad excuse @_@)
I also ended up getting sick. being sick sucks.
last but not least: for those who don't know (which is probably all of you?) I have Epilepsy. for those who don't know what Epilepsy is; it's a seizure disorder, everyone's is different.
in my case I can't sense a aura as to when I'm about to have one, nor do I know when I'm having one 😥
I get them due to extreme anxiety and stress.I ended up having quite a few the past couple weeks and when I have them I get completely drained, and get severe migraines.
so I sincerely apologize 😩

I am working on the next chapter slowly but surely! I will try to have it up by today or Thursday.

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