Chapter 7: Lunch Date

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Morning came faster than expected though I'm not complaining, I got up earlier than I usually do. I needed to make myself look really pretty, I wanted toshiro to say I look cute. As I got dressed I walked over to my dresser and sorted through a small box of ponytails, I came across a turquoise colored ribbon. I instantly thought of toshiro's beautiful eyes..

I picked up the ribbon and tied my hair up, put on a little lip gloss and some make-up then studied myself in the mirror.
"it's amazing what a little make-up can do to a person." I mumbled as I looked at the clock "well I better get going!" I hurried out of my house and headed straight to work, I didn't have time to talk to renji this morning I was already running late and I wanted to get as much paperwork done as possible so toshiro and I could leave earlier for lunch. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could.

When I walked into the office no one was there. I quietly made my way to my desk and sat down, right as I was about to start my paperwork I heard footsteps coming. The door slide open and renji walked in.
"oi (Y/N)!" renji looked at me "why didn't you stop by and talk to me this morning?" he yelled angrily. I could feel tears slowly welling up in my eyes. Just then toshiro walked in and looked at me with concern, then a flash of anger appeared in his eyes as he looked at renji.
"who the hell do you think you are yelling at (Y/N) like that abarai?" toshiro growled "get out of my office, and I better not see your face for the rest of the day or else I'll freeze you into a block of ice." he sent a bone chilling glare at renji.

"y-yes sir." renji replied he glanced at me before leaving, a look of anger and hurt in his eyes. I didn't even notice toshiro was looking at he was studying me.
"you should wear your hair up like that more often." he said as he walked up to me "but you shouldn't wear make-up, it doesn't suit you. you look cuter without make-up on." he said as he gently wiped off the lip gloss I was wearing with his thumb. He made his way back to his desk as I stood there dumbfounded, a slight blush had creeped its way onto my face.

I looked over at toshiro, our eyes met a tint of pink appeared on his face as he  quickly looked down and started on his paperwork.
"hey Captain." I said timidly. He slowly looked up at me.
"what is it (Y/N)?" he asked.
"i-ill wear my hair like this more often, and I won't wear make-up!" I exclaimed. He stared at me with those beautiful eyes of his.
"sounds good to me." he replied with a soft smile, one that I never thought I'd ever see. I looked at him and smiled back, then I sat down and started working.

I kept glancing at toshiro, only to find him looking at the clock with frustration. He was just as excited for  lunch as I was, I couldn't help but smile and quietly giggle every time I saw him looking at the clock like that. It felt like it had been hours, but it was finally lunch time. Toshiro and I jumped up from our seats and headed out the door.
"did you ever figure out what you wanted to have for lunch?" he asked.
"w-well if it was alright with you I was hoping we could have dumplings again, I really like them heh.." I replied nervously, he nodded in response.
"I have become fond of them, so I don't mind at all." he answered softly.

We had gotten our dumplings and looked for a table to sit at but they were all filled.
"how about we go sit under a tree...perhaps the sakura tree?" toshiro suggested.
"that's a great idea!" I exclaimed happily as I grabbed his hand and  headed to the sakura tree. Once we got there we sat beneath the tree and started eating, while having some conversations. Little did i know, that we had a visitor watching us from afar.

Lunch ended faster than i had hoped for, but I was happy with the time I got spend alone with toshiro. As we were walking back to the office we ran into renji, the last person I wanted to see right now. I was still upset at him for what he did this morning, I just looked at the floor as he stood in front of us.
"what do you want abarai?" toshiro said in a low tone.
"well Captain Hitsugaya, I'm here to make plans with (Y/N) for lunch tomorrow." renji answered in an annoyed tone. I didn't like the direction this conversation was going.

"what if she doesn't want to have lunch with you?" toshiro barked back.
"well what if she does and you're just standing in her way!" renji yelled.
Toshiro just glared at him, then he looked at me.
"do you want to have lunch with abarai (Y/N)?" toshiro asked.
"u-um actually I made plans to have lunch with momo-chan and rangiku-san!" I exclaimed nervously. Renji looked at me with frustration, then turned and walked away from us.

I sighed in relief as he left, toshiro looked at me with concern.
"are you okay (Y/N)?" he asked quietly. I nodded in response, though truthfully it felt as if someone was clutching my heart. Toshiro grabbed my hand and started walking again. As my hand is in his the pain went away, and instead my heart is filled  with warmth. As long as I have toshiro by my side, I know I can over come any pain that comes my way.

hope you enjoyed it :D
also : should I make the next chapter shiro-chans POV of this chapter? or renjis? or just keep moving forward?
Ai: (\ .o.)\
Toshiro: figure out the next chapter.
Ai: easier said than done shiro-chan!
Toshiro: I wouldn't mind having another chapter.
Renji: * clears throat *
Toshiro: f@$#k you renji you don't deserve you're own chapter! after what you did to (Y/N)
Ai: aw shiro-chan! being protective over them I see (๑・ω-)~♥
Renji: are you guys just gonna ignore me!?!

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