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so I haven't updated in a few days.
I will say this: I'm not sure as to when I will have the next chapter up, I just found out my aunt has ovarian cancer and my mom went and got ultra sounds done today cause she has been having pain on her ovaries, so I am currently under a lot of stress dealing with finding out my aunt has cancer, my cousin has brain cancer and on my moms ultra sound they saw things...im sorry if any of that disturbed you..
( ̄□ ̄;)
just thought I'd let you guys know as to why I haven't updated in a few days...i also apologize if you thought that this was gonna be the new chapter
Toshiro:...i understand.
Ai: thanks shiro-chan
I MIGHT have the new chapter up in a day or two depending on how things turn out, but worry not I will continue the story!

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