Chapter 1: A Deadly Welcome and an Old Friend

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     The  newspaper fell at Nami's feet. She knelt down to pick it up and smiled. A small envelope stuck out at the top. She pulled it out and noticed that it was addressed to her.

     "The paper's here!" She called. Nico Robin and Brook put down their books. Franky, Usopp, and Chopper stopped their card game. Sanji woke up Zoro. Luffy launched himself over to the railing. Nami handed the paper to Brook and started toward her room.

     "Don't you want to see if our bounties have changed?" Luffy asked.

     "Nah. You go ahead", She replied, hiding the letter. Franky shrugged. The pirates flipped through the paper. Robin followed Nami stealthily. She stood looking over the railing of the staircase as she sat down and opened the letter. Nami read it thoroughly, her eyes widening. The letter fell to the ground. She sat, stunned and frozen. Robin gasped and darted down the stairs.

     "Nami! What's wrong?" She asked worriedly. There was no reply, just a shocked look on the navigator's face. Robin picked up the letter. The message was clear:


Genzo and I have stowed away on

Arlong's ship. He is determined to

find you and your friends. We've

been in the Grand Line for months

and have been too busy to write. It

should be weeks before you get this

depending on your location. Good luck!

          Your sis, Nojiko

     "Nami..." Robin said quietly. She's never mentioned her family. What do I say? She thought, sitting down on the bed.

      "Hey guys, there's an island up ahead-" Chopper stopped as his eyes fell on Nami, "Are you okay?" Nami looked up.

       "I'm fine. We'll be up in a minute", She replied, forcing a smile. Chopper went back upstairs.

       "Ms. Navigator, don't you think you should tell the others about the letter?" Robin asked.

        "Don't worry about it. I'll tell them", Nami replied. They went upstairs to help get the ship ready to drop anchor. As the sun started to set, the pirates reached the island. A forest path appeared to go from the dock to a small village. Luffy climbed a tree nearby to make sure. The group headed out in silence with the exceptional arguments between Zoro and Sanji and Luffy's occasional ramblings about being hungry.

           "Is it just me or is it getting colder?" Usopp wondered. It had felt like summer when they docked so they had left their coats behind. Now it felt more like winter.

             "C-c-c-coo-ooo-lll-dd!" Luffy moaned.

            "YOU JUST NOW NOTICED THAT??!!!" The others yelled.

            "Um...guys? I think it's starting to snow!" Chopper exclaimed. What started as a light flurry soon became a roaring blizzard. The pirates struggled to stay together. Following Luffy in groups of two, they made their way to what seemed to be an open field.

           "Hey! I think I see a building up ahead! I'm gonna check it out!" Luffy called, "Gum Gum...Ro-" His words were cut off by a sudden explosion.

* * * * *

             "Demolision was supposed to take place tommorrow! Someone could'a been hurt!" The man said. The boy helped ViVi to her feet. The man, middle aged yet well built, turned to them.

             "You two okay?" He asked. The boy nodded.

            "T'm fine", ViVi answered reassuringly. They grabbed their coats and hurried out into the storm. It began to die out as they advanced. The burning remains of the abandoned building weren't far.

           "Hello! Is anyone out there?!" The man called over the roaring flames.

* * * * *

           Chopper and Robin sat up.

 "Did you here that?" Chopper asked quickly. Robin nodded and stood up in pain.

 "HELP!!!" They yelled, coughing from the smoke.

* * * * *

           ViVi ran into the flames, the boy following at her heels. That was Chopper's voice! I'm sure of it! They made it, She thought. She ran towards the direction of the cries for help. The boy turned to see a straw hat and two people near it.

* * * * *

           Luffy, half conscious, spotted the outline of a person lifting Nami, who had ran after him, onto their back, then advancing toward him. His eyes closed as he fell into a dark, empty space...

          Luffy awoke to find the others awake. Nami was talking to ViVi.

         "ViVi!" He yelled excitedly. He jumped up only to fall back down. He sat up and laughed.

          "I'm glad to see you all safe and sound!" ViVi said. Luffy's eyes widened as though he was surprised by the friendly remark.

           "Hey! Where's that kid?!" He asked suddenly.

            "What kid? Have you gotten even crazier?" Franky mused. ViVi thought for a moment.

             "You must mean Orrin! He's the one that found you and Nami and brought you hear", She answered. The others gave her a blank stare.

             "Is he quiet with a blue and gray spy glass?" Robin queried.

             "Yes. You saw him when he left", ViVi told her. Nami leaned back and smiled.

             "Why do I have a funny feeling that you know him?" Robin asked.

             "Huh?" Nami said, startled. ViVi smiled.

              "She does", ViVi said.

              "ViVi!" Nami scolded, throwing a pillow.

              "Well, this spiralled out of control quickly", Zoro muttered. Chopper nodded in agreement.

              "That's okay", Nami smirked slyly, "You are our new crew member, after all."

              "You know I wanted to tell Luffy", ViVi replied. Luffy was estatic.

              "When you declined the last time, they were moping around for days!" Zoro exclaimed.

              "How do you know this Orrin guy, Nami?" Chopper asked.

               "He's my brother", Nami answered. The pirates sat with their mouths wide open.

               "WWWHHHAAAA??!!!" They yelled.

                "Yeah. What's with you guys today?" Nami replied.

               "You say that like there was nothing wrong with them before", Robin smirked. Zoro, Franky, and Chopper glared at her.

               "What's that supposed to mean?!" They cried. Sanji went downstairs. Brook followed him. Usopp started a card game with Luffy. Zoro, Franky, and Chopper continued their argument with Robin. ViVi was called downstairs. Nami went with her to wait for Orrin.

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