Chapter 7: Goodbye Sukari Village! The Straw Hats Set Sail!

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     Nami sat at the base of the tree. So this is where Orrin disappears to, she thought, It reminds me of the cape where Bellemere's grave is. I wonder if that's why he comes here. Bellamy had left saying he wouldn't be coming back. Robin was studying the ruins a few yards away.

     "You seem relaxed. You realize we'll be leaving soon, right?" she asked. Nami smiled.

     "This place reminds me of home", she replied, "It must do the same for Orrin."

     Robin stopped for a moment to think. Nami took notice.

     "What?" she asked.

     "When I first came here I heard a harp. I haven't heard it since", Robin answered.

     "Maybe you were imagining it."

     "Why would I imagine that?"

     Nami shrugged, "I don't know. The Grand Line has a lot of mysteries."

     "I don't think the Grand Line has anything to do with it."

     Robin looked around. The buildings were mostly intact. There were no mysteries to it. She turned to head back to the village. Nami got up and picked an orange from the tree. She looked at it and smiled. Orrin sure is good at finding places like this, she thought, Too bad we can't stay. Nami started down the path after Robin.

     "I still don't understand how this path looks unused", Robin remarked, "Your brother comes this way often."

     "Orrin can walk without making a sound", Nami replied, "I don't know how he does it, but he could walk right passed you and you wouldn't know it."

     The two stopped in their tracks. Music from a harp filled the air. They looked at each other and ran back to the clearing. Orrin was sitting on top of the ruins. A small harp was next to him.

     "Since when are you a musician?" Nami asked.

     "It helps clear my mind", the boy said, a slight smile on his face.

     "You are very mysterious, I'll give you that", Robin remarked.

     "What about you? Growing up on island that no longer exists, working with Baroque Works and CP9, joining Luffy and the others who saved you at Enies Lobby", Orrin said calmly, trying to sound respectful, "Don't look so surprised. We've met before. I don't know if you remember or not, but then again I've met a few of you guys beforehand."


     Orrin jumped down and started down the path, "You'll remember eventually."

     "You haven't changed a bit. You still like to have people figure things out for themselves", Nami said. Her and Robin followed him back to the restaurant.

* * * * *

     Ritsu leaned against the railing. Memories flooded into his head from when Mihawk was still training him. There was another boy training with him. Why am I thinking of that now? he thought. Shade jumped up onto the railing next to him.

      "Thinking about somethin'?" he asked casually.

     "Just remembering the training I went through with my father", Ritsu answered. Shade lost his balance and started to fall back. Ritsu caught him by the shirt and pulled him up, "Idiot."

     Aki pulled a razor out of his pocket. Aises snatched it from him.

     "How do you keep getting these?!" she yelled. Shade burst out laughing.

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