Chapter 10 Part 2: B.F.S.H Alliance - Nico Olvia's Poster

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     Orrin leaned on the broom, gazing out over the porch towards the ocean. He was wearing a white long sleeved t shirt with black sleeves and a panda head on the front along with a pair of khaki cargo pants. The wind blew his orange hair in his face. He frowned and pushed it back. Ritsu inside the dojo, sweeping. He sweat dropped.

     "Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to help?" he asked. Orrin turned to him and grinned.

     "I'm helping. Just taking a little break. You should try to relax sometimes", he replied. He took the broom he'd been leaning on and helped Ritsu sweep the floor.

     "Tch. You need to stop 'relaxing' so much. If you ask me, that's called being lazy", Ritsu retorted. Orrin laughed.

     "If you ask me, it's the reason I'm beating in training", he said. A stress mark appeared on Ritsu's head.

     "You wanna bet? How about a little sparring match right now?" he countered. Mihawk walked into the room. Orrin turned to him, his face was red.

     "Sensei! Sorry. We'll get back to work, right Ritsuka?" he said sheepishly, looking at Ritsu.

     "...Right. I apologize for this mishap, Father", Ritsu said.

     "No need to apologize. I understand", Mihawk replied calmly, "I'm actually curious to see how this sparring match will go without my usual coaching."

     Orrin and Ritsu looked at each other, then back at Mihawk.

* * * * *1 hour later* * * * *

     Orrin leaned against the wall and slid to the floor, exhausted. Ritsu fell down and stayed on the floor. Mihawk was sitting by the door.

     "Nice work, both of you. Now then, how about you finish cleaning so we can eat", he said, getting up and walking out of the room. Orrin sweat dropped. I have a feeling he did that just to teach us a lesson, Ritsu thought. Orrin stood up and stretched. Ritsu looked at him and stood up as well.

     "Well, let's get to work", he said. Orrin nodded, grinning. They soon finished sweeping the floors and went to their rooms. Ritsu stood in the doorway. Orrin looked at him for a second, then turned back to the poster in his hands. He was sitting on his bed.

     "Hey", he said.

     "Hey", Ritsu said, "I noticed you have a lot of those."

     "Yeah", Orrin replied, seeming half dazed.

     "What's up? You seem kinda down."

     "...It's nothing."

     Ritsu took a deep breath, "Tell me."

     "Why? I said it's nothing."

     "If it explains the dark circles under your eyes and all the mumbling every other night. I don't care if it is nothing."

     "Figure that out for yourself."

     "I am. I'm asking you on my own. I'd say that counts. Now tell me or I'll slice you open with my sword."

     "Geez...That seems kinda harsh..."

     "Tell me and I won't have to do it."

     "...Fine. I know you're joking but I'm not taking that risk."

     Orrin reluctantly handed him the poster he had been looking at. Nico Olvia..., Ritsu thought.

     "A little warning, though. This may take a while", Orrin said. (That goes for you people reading as well)

One More PieceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora