Chapter 6: Orrin's story! What happened to Bellamy?

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Author's Note: ViVi is telling Nami what happened. The italicized parts are her speaking to Nami and are not part of the story.


     Orrin layed flat on the deck of the boat Mihawk had given him. It was the one they had used to escape from Kreig. That storm destroyed my food supplies and tore the sail, he thought. He sat up and ran his fingers through his orange hair.

     "Over there! It's one of Kreig's boats!"

     He looked around and spotted a marine ship towards the east. Orrin stood up and waved his hands in the air. I don't have a bounty! This may be my only chance get out of this little situation, he thought. As the ship neared there was a chorus of deafening blasts. Orrin reached for the railing of his small boat as it rocked violently in the water.

     "NOOOOO!!!!!" he yelled. It was drowned out by the canon fire. Another ship appeared behind him. He turned around slowly as its shadow was cast over his boat. A man with blonde hair and tanned skin stood his arms folded on the railing and a grin that made him appear insane, watching him. The man pointed at him, his expression didn't change. Two people jumped down and grabbed Orrin's arms. A ladder was dropped. Orrin was taken by the shirt collar and lifted on deck by a third person.

     "Got'em Bellamy", the man on the rope reported.

     "Good job! Now then, take him to the hold!" he said, grinning.

     Orrin glared as the other two took him below deck. They tied his wrists. Stupid pirates! The one with the crazy grin must be the captain, he thought. He sat down there for two days, with no food or water. The captain came on the third day with the same two people. They stepped into the cell.

     "My name's Bellamy", The captain said bluntly, "These two are Sarkies and Lily." Sarkies, a man with blue hair in a white coat, smirked.

     "Our captain's tough, so just answer his questions nicely, kid", he sneered. Orrin looked at them, annoyed.

     "What were doing out there?" Bellamy asked.

     "Trying to get those marines to help me", Orrin answered. Might as well, this guy seems like the type that angers easily, he thought.

     "Your boat has a pirate flag."

     "I was a chore boy for Kreig and got away."

     "Why'd you leave?"

     "My dad's a pirate and forced me to join Kreig. I hate pirates!"

     "Quit yelling! How old are you?"

     "Fourteen! Are we done here?! I'm getting tired of you and your crew!"

     Bellamy was agitated. He pulled out a pistol. Bingo, Orrin thought as he glared at him and stood up.

     "Go ahead, shoot me", he said calmly. He had raised his hands to the middle of his back. His wrists were still tied.

     "You've gotten on my last nerve!" Bellamy snapped. He fired the gun. The bullet went straight through Orrin, snapping the rope. The boy fell to his knees. Bellamy and the other two laughed insanely. Orrin lifted his head sharply. He smirked and stood up. The pirates stopped laughing.

     "Thanks for unbinding my wrists", Orrin sneered. He did a roundhouse which landed on Sarkies face.

     "That's not possible!" Lily, a blonde haired woman with dark sunglasses, exclaimed.

     "I ate the Shrink Shrink Fruit", Orrin replied.

     "If you want a fight, I'll give you one! No one messes with my crew!" Bellamy said angrily. Orrin looked at him for a second. This pirate actually cares about his crew. He might be a good guy after all, he thought.

     They walked out on deck. Orrin stood on one side, Bellamy on the other.

     "You're gonna regret kicking me, you little brat!" Sarkies yelled.

     "Spring Sniper!" Bellamy yelled. Orrin dodged and jumped into the air. Bellamy repeated the attack.

     "Gyro", Orrin started doing continuous front flips, "Canon!" He landed an axe kick on top of Bellamy's head, sending him crashing into the deck.

     "Spring Death Knock!" Bellamy's arm turned into a spring and stretched out to punch Orrin, who leaned back to let it pass. He unsheathed his daggers, attached them at the hilt, and began spinning them.

     "Duel Tempest!" He slashed the air, making it sharp, and sending a blue wave. Bellamy was cut by the wave and flung back. Orrin sheathed his daggers. He turned and started to walk away. Bellamy got up.

     "That's it? You beat me in a fight and walk away. That was your plan? You're more heartless than I thought!" he said hoarsely. Orrin stopped.

     "You're alive. Doesn't that say anything? Earlier I said I hated pirates", he replied, "You care about your crew. That's all I wanted to know."

     Bellamy remembered what had happened in the cell.

     "You've been testing me this whole time", he said. Orrin grinned.

     "Never thought that there were good pirates", the boy replied.

One year later...

     Orrin and ViVi stood on the edge of the dock. Bellamy's ship was sailing in. The pirate was wearing a black, unbuttoned, short sleeved shirt; black pants; and sunglasses. Orrin had changed as well. He now had his platinum blonde hair and yellow eye. Bellamy jumped down in front of him.

     "Hey, Bellamy! Long time no see!" Orrin said.

     "What happened to you? Did'ya get a glass eye and dye your hair?" Bellamy replied sarcasticly. Orrin laughed.

     "I was starving and ended up eating another devil fruit. Your taller than last time by a long shot."

     "Colloseum fights. I also ran into the Straw Hats in Jaya."

They headed for the restaurant. I was introduced on the way.

     "Where are Sarkies and the others? I figured they'd be walking around the village", Orrin said.

     "They're gone. The Bellamy Pirates are over. I'm with Doflamingo now", Bellamy answered. Orrin dropped the soda bottle he had just gotten. ViVi stared at him as he turned his head slowly.

     "What was that?"

     "Sarkies, Lily, Rivers, they're all-"

     "Gone?! You mean to tell me you abandoned your crew to join a Supernova?!"

     "That's exactly what I mean. You seem surprised."

     "Get out."

     "You must be joking."

     "I thought you were different from Kreig and Arlong. Your crew seemed to be your friends. Turns out I was wrong. I trusted you to stay by them at all costs. I'm guessing you forgot why we became friends in the first place? It was because I thought you were like a member of Kreig's crew who actually had the heart to stand up for what's right."

     "You thought wrong. I don't care about what's right and what's wrong. To me dreams are nothing but things that fools care about. Like Straw Hat and the One Piece."

      "Luffy is a friend of my sister and there for a friend of mine. Get out!"

      Bellamy walked out. ViVi was quiet, not knowing what to say. Orrin still had his back turned to the door.

They haven't even seen each other until now.

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