Chapter 10 Part 1: The Black Flag and Straw Hat Alliance

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     The Straw Hats and Black Flag Pirates sat on logs around the campfire. Shade and Luffy were having a completely random conversation. Aises and Chopper were talking about medicine. The others were discussing recent adventures. Shade looked around. He counted the Straw Hats repeatedly. Ritsu sweat dropped. Why is he counting them...? he thought, slightly annoyed.

     "What're you up to?" he asked. Shade looked at him.

     "Huh?" he replied, "Awww, I lost count..."

     Ritsu slumped, "I think you were at seven."


     "I ask again, what're you up to?"

     "Luffy said they got two new members, but every time I count them, there's only one more than the last meeting."


     Nami sweat dropped and looked towards where the ship was. Orrin was still on the ship. He hadn't left his room all week. At least he's eating something, Nami thought, Every time I go to get the plates that I leave outside his door, there's nothing left of the food that was on it. Vivi put a hand her shoulder. Nami turned to her.

     "He'll be fine", Vivi told her, "Once he gets over his temper, that is!"

     Nami laughed, "I know that, but I still need an explanation for his sudden outburst."

     Shade looked over at them, "Aha! So there is another new member!"

     "Yeah! Nami's brother, Orrin!" Luffy said, happily. Ritsu's eyes widened for a second. Kira noticed it instantly, but said nothing. Shade and Luffy started up another random conversation. Nami looked back in the direction of the ship...

* * * * *

     Orrin put on his brown hiking boots.

The boy choked from the smoke and coughed.

     Orrin frowned slightly, his eyes half closed, as he pulled on a pair of tan fingerless gloves.

"Where'd that kid go?! Find him! Now, before he leaves town!"

     Orrin stood up, a determined look on his face. He was wearing his gray t shirt, a dark green unzipped hiking vest, faded blue jeans, and his special stone which wasn't hidden under his shirt like it usually was. Well, here goes nothing, he thought.

* * * * *

     Ritsu leaned back, "So, that moron's here too, huh?"

* * * * *

     Orrin walked out on deck, jumped down to the ground below, and started off in the direction of the meeting, his twin daggers sheathed and tucked away in one of his boots.

* * * * *

     Nami and Vivi looked up at Ritsu. Luffy and Shade did the same.

     "You know him?!" Luffy asked excitedly.

     "Oh, that's right! You're Mihawk's son! You and Orrin must have been training partners", Nami concluded.

     "Yeah, he's a quick learner. Real quiet, too", Ritsu smirked.

     "Do you think you could explain the posters in his room?"

     "Those? Yeah, it took some convincing, but I got him to explain them to me. Why? Does it have to do with this so called outburst you were just talking about?"

     "Yes, actually..." Robin closed her book.

     "...It was the one with my mother on it, Nico Olvia", she said solemnly. Ritsu frowned.

     "That one?" he said sadly, "...This could take a while. He was extremely reluctant to talk about it. He had a whole story behind it that he kept referring to as 'The Nightmare'. Nami, as his sister you should already know why. I'm guessing it just clicked."

     Nami and Vivi's widened. Nami nodded, "...Yeah. So the woman he mentioned was-"

     "Exactly", Ritsu answered, "I'll explain it to you guys so you'll all understand."


Okay, there's a reason this is so short. Read the Chapter title. It says 'Part 1'. I had to split this chapter into parts because the story Ritsu is about to tell is lengthy and I don't want to make the chapter like 10 pages long because of it and I only have a rough idea of how I'm going to have Ritsu tell the story. Plus I haven't updated this book in a while so I felt the need to give you something to look forward to so you wouldn't get bored with it. Two more things:

1. The video next to this is Orrin's theme.

2. If you have an idea for the title of this book, please tell me in the comments/on my website/on deviantART under the book's cover.

P.S. - My username on deviantART is link08-wattpad.

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