Chapter 10 Part 3: B.F.S.H.A. - Blades Clash. Orrin vs Ritsu!

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     Everyone stared at Ritsu, their eyes wide with shock.

     "I think you broke them", Kira said.

     "Give'em a second", Ritsu replied.

     "WWWHHHAAAAAAA?!?!?!" They all yelled. Ritsu and Kira sweat dropped.

     "Hey, why aren't you freaking out?" Ritsu asked.

     "I honestly couldn't care less. I've never met this Orrin guy anyway", Kira answered bluntly. Ritsu sweat dropped again. That sounds about right, he thought, For her, anyway. The others calmed down a few minutes later...except Robin was frozen. She didn't move or say anything. Luffy poked her in the head.

     "Hey, Chopper! I think something's wrong with Robin!" he said. A stress mark appeared on Nami's head.

     "Well, don't poke her!" she scolded, wacking Luffy in the head.

     "She seems to be in shock", Chopper said, "I think I saw some herbs earlier I could use to snap her out of it."

     "I'll go with you to find them", Aises said. The two walked off into the woods. They stopped just when the camp was no longer in sight and started looking for the herbs.

     "Um, you go left and I'll go right?", Aises suggested. Chopper nodded and the two split up. Chopper spotted some plants a few feet out and went to get them. He looked up when he heard a twig snap.

     "AAAAAHHHH!!!" he yelled, running towards Aises. Aises turned just as he jumped up and caught him.

     "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" she asked.

     "I saw something! It had bright yellow eyes and was looking right at me!" Chopper answered quickly. Aises walked towards where Chopper had been.

     "I don't see anything..." she said calmly. Chopper looked around. They both spotted a big shadow with bright yellow piercing eyes looking straight at them at the same time...

* * * * *

     Aises and Chopper screamed, running back into the camp. The others looked up at them. Shisou laughed.

     "What? Did you see a monster?" he asked mockingly. Rose grabbed the glove and pulled it on over his hand. He turned back into Soren, who glared at Shisou through the glove.

     "I thought you two were looking for herbs and plants", Rose asked.

     "Y-yeah. W-we saw something in the bushes!" Aises said, a little shaken up.

     "I-it had bright yellow eyes and was really big!" Chopper added.

     "I shot a beam of ice at it and we ran back here", Aises finished.

     "In other words, you're running from something that's most likely frozen solid", Kira said. Everyone's eyes widened. Kira, Aises, and Chopper looked at them.

     "...What?" Kira asked. She sweat dropped, "That thing is behind us isn't it?"

     The others nodded. Nami looked at it for a second and calmed down.

     "Hey, wait a minute. That's-" she started. She was cut off by Aises' sudden scream. A white tiger leaped towards Ritsu who held up his sword to block. In mid air, the tiger turned into Orrin who pulled out his daggers to counter. The blades of their weapons clashed.

     "The hell?!" Ritsu exclaimed, not recognizing him. Orrin laughed.

     "Nice to see you, too, Ritsuka! Was it really neccessary to pull out your sword, though?" he joked, "I saw your hand grab the hilt before I did anything."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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