Chapter 3: The Fall of Arlong's Crew. A Piece of Orrin's Story.

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         Orrin acted quickly, grabbing Robin's wrist and pulling her to safety. They looked over the cliff at the near hundred foot drop into the water below. Orrin stood up.

         "You're pretty quick."

          Robin turned to see Kuro, the pirate who had attacked Usopp's island. Orrin didn't move.

          "Let's see if you can handle this!" Kuro said. He ran too fast for Robin to see him. Orrin spun around and sliced through his claws. The pirate collapsed as Orrin sheated his blades. Robin winced as she tried to stand.

           "Don't. You'll only put yourself in more pain", Orrin told her. He walked over to her and knelt down. Taking her arms, he lifted her onto his back.

           "Hold on tight. I'm a lot faster than him", he said, motioning to Kuro. This proved to be true. He was much faster than the pirate, who he was now dragging.

            "There's someone up ahead!" Robin warned.

            Buggy the Clown was soon visible at the path entrance. Orrin drew one of his daggers and stabbed him. A few seconds later, he continued, now dragging the clown as well. Seems like I made a mistake. He's a great fighter, Robin thought, He's our only hope in this fight.

* * * * *

            "Luffy! No!" Nami cried. Luffy had just collapsed. Everyone has been beaten...we're dead... Nami thought. ViVi, Nojiko, and Genzo were all thinking the same thing. Arlong was laughing insanely.

           "Looks like you're my navigator again, Nami!" he said, "You two will be executed for stowing away on my ship."

             He was talking to Nojiko and Genzo.

            "Why did you kidnap me?!" ViVi demanded.

           "Eh? You'll find out. Just wait for the last of my 'revenge' crew to get here", Arlong replied. This stunned the Straw Hats as well as the captives. Soon they saw dust clouds getting closer and closer.

           "That must be Kuro and Buggy", Arlong assumed.


           Something ran passed the Straw Hats and the captives. Buggy and Kuro were thrown into Hachi and Chu. Arlong was slashed and flew through the wall behind him. His attacker stopped.

            "Orrin?!" the captives yelled.

           "Hey! What happened to Robin?!" Nami screamed. Ax Hand Morgan walked up behind Orrin and raised his ax to strike. The boy spun around and kicked it, shattering it to pieces. He ran over to the Straw Hats and sat Robin down.

            Going back to the fight, he slashed the ex marine with his duel blades. By then, the fishmen were up.

             "Your fast, but not fast enough!" Hachi said.

             "You're nothing but a little brat!" Chu muttered. Orrin stood his ground.

             "Duel..." he started, throwing his daggers, "RUSH!!!" He ran as fast as he had before and caught them once they passed the fishmen. The two collapsed.

              "What...happended?" Chopper studdered.

             "Take a closer look", Zoro said.

             "The daggers went through them", Sanji observed. Orrin sheathed the daggers. Don Kreig glared at him.

             "I thought you were dead", he said.

             "Hawk Eyes sends his regards", Orrin retorted.

             "Unless one of us dies, you're still my cabin boy", Kreig smirked.

             "Hawk Eyes?" Zoro queried.

             "Cabin boy?" Luffy asked.

             "I'm confused", Nami stated flatly.

             "Me too", Chopper agreed.

             "We all are", Franky confirmed. Kreig laughed insanely.

            "Tell us about your escape. After all, you supposedly drowned", he mused.

* * * * *

            Orrin slept soundly in his room. The ship rocked in the storm. Gin came in quickly and shook him.

            "What? Am I needed on deck?" Orrin asked, drowsily rubbing his eye. Gin went over to the dresser.

            "The ship was attacked", he explained, "Here." He handed Orrin his crutches. The ship creaked eerily. Orrin got up and grabbed his bag. He followed Gin upstairs. Gin disappeared at the top. Orrin quickened his pace.

             "Gin? Gin!" he called, "Where did he go?"

             "Your friend will be fine."

             Orrin turned to a man wearing a wide brimmed hat and a black, unbuttoned, trench coat, sitting on the railing.

            "Who're you?! Where's Gin?!" Orrin stammered.

            "He's fine. Although he should know better than to sneak up behind me", the man replied. Orrin threw one of his crutches at him. Leaning on the other like Tiny Tim, he dashed around the side of the ship. The man jumped out in front of him. A tsunami crashed into the ship, forcing Orrin down. He hit his head on the railing and fell overboard into the violent sea that is the Grand Line...

* * * * *

              "The guy saved my life", Orrin said.

              "So Gin get's the credit for helping you escape", Kreig smirked. He had taken out his exploding spear. He swung it at Orrin, the weapon exploded as it made contact. The smoke began to clear. The boy had dodged the attack. It had hit the ground. Kreig went to strike again. Orrin leaped and crashed headlong into the spear. There was another explosion. Kreig had been sent flying into a wall, the spear had shattered, Orrin stood unscathed.

               "He yust beat all of them without a single problem!" Sanji exclaimed.

               "That was a little too easy", Zoro muttered. The marines released the captives. Nami started running up to Orrin to hug him. The boy threw a dagger, which brushed her cheek.

              "Stay back!" he warned. Nami fell back, stunned. Orrin turned, his eyes filled with anger.

             "QUIT HIDING AND FIGHT ME CROCODILE!!!" he yelled. The marines laughed. The pirates were surprised. Sand began to swirl around Orrin and evil laughter filled the air. A metal hook leaking deadly poison flew through the air with a trail of sand coming from behind. Orrin turned and straightened out his arms, his hands in tight fists, bracing himself for impact. The hook pierced him in the heart.

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