Chapter 5: Enter, Bellamy the Hyena.

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     The pirates slept soundly. Chopper, Robin, and ViVi were the only exceptions. Robin and ViVi were downstairs. Chopper was checking the others' injuries. Nojiko and Genzo were there as well. Nami was sleeping in a chair, her head resting in her arms at the foot of Orrin's bed. The boy was snoring quietly in his sleep. Chopper went over to him with a bucket of water and a hand towel. He wrung out the towel and placed it on Orrin's forehead. He shifted drowsily. Chopper stepped back, startled, as Orrin sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

     "'re awake", the reindeer studdered nervously. Orrin stared at him and blinked, a blank expression on his face. He smiled shyly and stood up, ruffling the fur on Chopper's head, and went downstairs.

     Pat was at the counter and ViVi was waiting tables. Robin was reading at the far end of the counter. One of the customers slammed down his drink.

     "Where's your other waiter, Pat?" he asked.

     "He's taking the day off", Pat responded, "Finish your beer, Bellamy." ViVi looked up smiled.

     "I see you're feeling better", she commented. Orrin smiled back. His torso was covered with bandages, he was still wearing his cargo pants from earlier.

     "If you feel up to working then here", Pat said, tossing him an apron. Orrin put it on and walked over to the spot where he was standing. Pat went to go help ViVi. Bellamy glared at Orrin.

     "Why don't you get me some more sake", he stated. Orrin handed him a glass of water. The pirate stood up angrily. He picked up the glass, dumping the water on Orrin's head, and crushing the glass at the same time.

     "I asked for some sake, so get me some!" He scolded furiously. Orrin pointed to a sign on the wall and grabbed a towel. The sign read:

'3 alcoholic drinks per customer. No Acceptions! This a restaurant, not a bar!'

     The boy served Robin some tea while he dried his hair. They heard a 'click' and turned to see Bellamy holding a gun.

     "Can't you hear?!" he yelled. Robin closed her book.

     "Can't you read?" she retorted calmly. Bellamy aimed the gun at her.

     "Shut up, or you're as good as dead!" he threatened. Orrin motioned for Robin to go stand by the others, who had been woken up by the noise. He cracked his knuckles. Franky became agitated.

     "That's it! I'm gonna teach that guy a lesson!" he blurted out. Zoro and Sanji stopped him.

     "This isn't our fight", Sanji warned.

     "Do you really want to get in their way?" Zoro queried. The cyborg backed down. Luffy stepped forward, hanging on to his hat.

     "Orrin?" he said.

     "Yeah?" the boy replied.

     "You can take care of that guy. We can handle his crew for you."

     Orrin nodded. Bellamy fired the gun at him. Orrin didn't move. He stood unphased by the bullet. Bellamy backed away and jumped onto the wall next to the door. He laughed insanely.

     "Spring Sniper!" The pirate sprang forward, towards Orrin. Orrin put his left hand on his right shoulder. He caught Bellamy's fist with his other hand.

     "Joker", he started, turning the pirate's fist clockwise, "Grenade." Bellamy flinched. Orrin's hand seemed to explode, sending the pirate flying into the wall he had launched himself from. Bellamy collapsed, blood trickled down his chin. The others had just finished of his crew. They stared at Orrin in awe as he jumped over the counter using his hand.

     "Can you teach me that move?! That was sooo cool!" Luffy said excitedly.

     "Will you shut up?!" the pirates scolded. Zoro punched him in the head. They heard the door of the loft close. Nami ran upstairs into the loft. Orrin was asleep again. The drawer on the nightstand next to him was open. His hands were tucked under the pillow. A picture that had been torn and taped back together was on the floor. It showed Orrin and Bellamy fishing in a cove, ViVi sitting near them. They're friends? Orrin must have a long story to tell, she thought, Last time I checked he hated pirates.

     "I wouldn't be surprised if you know something about Bellamy."

     Nami turned to see ViVi standing over her.

     "I know he's intolerable and annoying", she replied.

     "That's not what I was looking for", ViVi said, "I meant that you might know something about why he's been like that lately."

     "As far as I know he's always been like that."

     "You must have met him before me. Orrin's known him longer than both of us."

     "Orrin hated pirates last time I saw him."

     "I thought he hated pirates, too. That's why he surprised me by telling me about Bellamy."

     "Orrin can be like that sometimes. He's quiet for a few days, then says something random that surprises you no matter how long you've known him."

     "This is different. Bellamy saved his life."

     Nami stared at her for a minute, "Explain."

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