3: Bananas

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Mitten Kitten's POV

I really don't remember anything.

I'm glad that Neon was there though, I wouln't have ever been able to get out of there, even though I was the one who'd found the trapdoor.

Haha, potato is a funny word.

Anyway, Neon and I traveled down the dark tunnel that seemd to lead to nowhere.

"Where did my hands go?" I asked to nobody in particular.

"Ahem!" Neon cleared her throat.

"What?" I asked.

I assume that she shrugged. "I dunno, I just felt like doing that."

I sighed. "At this rate, we're never going to get my memory back," It really is true. Before I hit Neon in a big ball of fire, my mind was blank.

Yay, blanky blankness is like a blank blanket.

"OHMYGOD!" I screamed. I'd stepped on something.

It felt gross and sticky.


The thing on the bottom of my shoe glowed green, illuminating the tunnel around us.

"What is that?" Neon asked, walking up to me.

I shrugged. "I dunno." I really wanted to call it a tinklewiggy. "I'm gonna call you a tinklewiggy!" I declared. "Bob the tinklewiggy!"

All of a sudden, a banana appeared out of nowhere, and my pet tinklewiggy ate it.

Bob likes bananas.

Let me write that down.

I shoved Bob in my bag, and we continued down the tunnel.

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