10: I take a shower. yay

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Neon POV

I have to admit, the town place whatever it's called is actually pretty cool. The people showed me around, and I was all 'whoa' and they were all 'yeah', so yeah.

I miss Mitten though, but not that much.

The people took me to a shop. It wasn't just any shop though. IT WAS AN ICE CREAM SHOP!!!

I ordered a weird ice cream thing, 'cause it was the only thing they had.


I really wanted to go out alone and think, but the people wouldn't stop following me!

"Hey, uh, could I tour the rest of the town ALONE?" I asked trying to keep the venom out of my voice.

"Sure!" Colbalt nodded. "We'll just go back to our dorms and find you a bed!"

Then they left.


Wait, no, I shouldn't do that in public.

So I started doing the Chicken Dance.

"Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck!!!!!" I yelled. Oh right, I was supposed to be thinking. Nah, thinking can wait.

I finished the Chicken Dance, then started doing the Elmo Dance.

I need a shower, I smell like BO.

"Hey do you people have a shower?" I asked the lady at the bar.

"Sure do, downstairs in the bathroom."

I nodded thanks, then rushed downstairs, yelling, "I NEED TO PEEEEEEE!!!!"

I wizzed in the toilet, then jumped into the shower.

The water was perfect. YAY.

"Lalalalalala, WAIT," I realized something. "I jumped into the shower......WITH MY CLOTHES ON!!!"

Yeah, like a boss peoples.

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