9: Bananas and the Wishing Shoe

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Mitten's POV

Ugh! I STILL can't believe that Neon can be more awesome then me! This place SUCKS!

The group turned and walked down a ramp, whereas I started after them, my mouth hanging open. I highly doubt that Neon will find a way out of this, it'll probably be me. Poor Mitten, alone and abandoned.

Oooh, this is fun, I'm gonna speak in third person now.

Mitten sadly turned away from the freaky invisible barrier, and walked down a tunnel towards the back of the tunnel. She couldn't go back up to the city because there WAS no way back up.

Mitten found a random old shoe and started crying because it reminded her of Neon. She shoved the shoe in a different pocket of her bag, just so Bob didn't eat it.

Mitten traveled down a winding slope, and then she came to a dead end at a cliff, which, if jumped off, you would die.

She whispered something into the shoe, then recoiled at its stench. Yuck, she thought whover's shoe this was before, their feet STINK!

Mitten threw the shoe off the cliff into blackness, then came to two realizations:

One, I'm alone and wishing into a shoe won't do me any good

Two, why the heck am I speaking in third person? Poo on that, let's go back to the first person.

I stared down into blackness, wondering if I should just jump. Then I heard a faint CLUMP.


"Jump, Mitten," A voice whispered at me. "Come on, you'll be safe."

I shook my head. "What if I don't want to?"

"Come on, just take the leap of faith!" The person urged.

I shrugged. "I mean, I guess so, but-"

"ARE YOU GAME, MITTEN???!!!" The voice screamed.

"HECK YEAH!!!" I screamed back like an awesome rockstar. Wait, no like a rock person, NO MORE STARS!!!

Wait, what?

 I flung myself off the cliff like an idiot commiting suicide, but then I landed on a trampoline! YAYS!

I bounced off and landed on my BUTTOXIES!!!!

"Ouchie," I groaned, rubbing my poor cheeks.

My eyes widened.


I walked up.......

.......AND TOUCHED IT!!!

Hehe, my body felt all tingly, and my brain felt all fuzzy, and I felt like sleeping, but I didn't.

The crystal split down the middle, and my eyesight got blurry, so I couldn't see anything, but I was awake.

"Mitten Kitten, do you promise to uphold the llama code forever and ever for as long as you live?" A familiar voice asked.

"YES MASTER!" I replied not even knowing who I was talking to.

"I HEARBY DECLARE YOU LLAMA BANANA!!!" The voice screamed.

My eyesight got less fuzzy, and I felt normal.

Then I fainted.

Nope, no I didn't!

There, floating in front of me, WAS MY BANANA!!!!

Wait, my banana? No, it had a paper with an F on it next to it. Oops, no, it was my BROTHER'S banana.

Wait, I have a brother?


Actually, like, one sixteenth came rushing back to me. Not all of it.

I have a brother named Fizz and he's a soda cat, and we were awesome together, and he always failed tests, and we were from a place called EARTH!

I need to go home.

I need to know who I truly am.

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