2: Life is poo

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Life is poo. Here's a recap of what's happened so far:

I saw this dude, kicked him, ran into a llama, called the llama poo, went into a crack in a wall leading into Cakeland, Cakeland evaporated into Pineapple Land, I got scared, and I died. The end.


A bright light blinded me.

Am I dead? Have the llama gods come to claim me?

"HELLLLPPPPPP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The bright light screamed.

"OKAY!" I yelled back, looking up. Ohh, it wasn't me dieing, it was a huge ball of fire coming towards Pineapple Land.


The huge ball of fire hit me, but I didn't feel a thing, 'cause I'm awesome. Oh, but I did feel something.

I felt like I was hit by a body. Eww, that sounds WRONG.

"Oww....." Someone moaned. I looked over and there was a girl with goggles on her head. She had brown hair and purple eyes, and she had cat ears with maroon tufts on them.


"What just happened?" She asked, rubbing her head with mittened hands.

oooo she wears mittens too! I like this new girl, whoever she is!

"Who are you?" I asked, trying not to freak out when I remembered that I was still in the land of pineapples.

Anonymous girl shrugged. "I dunno, that's what I was going to ask you."

Crap, she doesn't know who she is?! This is serious business.

"Well, if you don't remember anything, at least try and remember your name." I said.

The memory-less girl squinted and scrunched up her nose and eyebrows. "Nope."

"THIS IS SUPER SERIOUS BUSINESS!" I yelled out loud. "We need your memory back! WE WILL TRAVEL THE WORLD TO FIND IT!"

"We?" She asked. "Who the heck are you, anyway? ARE YOU MY GUARDIAN ANGEL SENT BY THE LLAMA GODS?!"

I love this girl.

"I'm Neon, and I'm 13, and I think you are too." She stared, as if saying 'Now who am I?'. "Oh, and you are Mitten Kitten." I added, looking at her mittens and ears.

She shrugged. "Okay, that works for me. And yeah, I think I'm 13."

"Okay," I began. "First things first; We're in Pineapple Land, how do we get out?"

"Uh, I'm guessing that trapdoor right there," Mitten said, pointing at a wooden trapdoor in front of us.

I felt so stupid.

Mitten opened it without touching it.


We then climbed inside, except there was no ladder, so we were just climbing on air.


This place is weird, and I think it's anti-llama.

Such a thing scares me, thus why I was breaking down and crying before Mitten hit me.

"Oh stupid poo llamas!" Mitten Kitten swore loudly. I want to marry her, but that's just gross. "There's no floor!"

"WHAT?!" I screamed. "What kind of messed-up world is this?"

"Oh wait, here it is," Mitten giggled, dropping to the floor.

I dropped too, and landed on my butt. I cursed loudly, " POO COVERED BUTT FACES!!!!"

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