14: The part where everything goes wrong......not

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Mitten's POV

Holy crap, so okay, I'm on top of Neon right now, and let me explain how I got here.

So I was staring at Bob for eating my banana, and then I grew wings and threw a bomb at the ground.

Then I grabbed Bob and teleported somehow, and boom! I'm on top of Neon. I think Bob has special teleporty powers or something. He's so special.

"Whoa Mitten! What in the name of Crap are you doing here?" Neon asked with a dumb look of amazement on her face.

I shrugged. "I dunno, Bob can teleport."

"Well then, let's teleport out of here!" Neon yelled. She grabbed Bob, and tickled his tummy.

Bob made a high-pitched giggle and died. OMG NUUUU.

No, he didn't I'm kidding.

Bob giggled, then we teleported into a dormitory.

With a bunch of people in it. They were THE people.

Neon tried to tickle Bob again, but he was actually dead this time. He even had Xs on his eyes.


Bob was snoring.

"You!" Somebody gasped. "You are the un-awesome person! GET HER!!!"  All of the people charged at me.

I snatched Bob out of Neon's hands, and screamed, "BOB! USE EAT!" Bob suddenly woke up, and opened his mouth. Then he ate everybody.

Holy crap, he's like the awesomest thing on the planet.

"Good boy!" I petted him and stuffed him in my bag.

Ohmygosh, there's still a person left!!!

And the person was.......................

.........a person. I dunno who it was, but she was real weird looking. Like, she had a black mask with a weird robot pattern on it, and she was wearing all black, and she had this long glowy red sword type thingy.

"Who's that lady?" I whispered to Neon.

"That's Darth Vader," She replied. "And HE'S a man."

Then Darth whosawhatsis took Bob out of my bag. HE'S BOBNAPPING!!!! Then he shifted into a person with dark wavy hair. Now THAT was girl, I'm sure of it, because of her- wait never mind.

HOLY CRAP NOW I REMEMBER HER HER NAMES MELERINA. She's some person who chased Neon or something.

She stuck her toungue out at me. Jerk.

Then, there was a high-pitched squawk, and a flash of pink entered the scene.

TWAS BOB'S GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! She's alive?

She opened her mouth, and ate Melerina with Bob.

I started crying waterfalls, because my poor Bob was eaten by his girlfriend.

BUT WAIT! She barfed him back up. Bob looked shinier than usual.

"BOB YOUR ALIVE!!!" I yelled, then I hugged him. I stuffed Bob back into my sack, and picked up his girlfriend and gave her to Neon. "Do you want her?"

Neon nodded. "I'm going to name her.................BOBET!" OMG PERFECT!

This weird cat with wing then flew down to us. "I'M HERE TO- oh, you don't need shaving?"


The cat rolled her eyes. "No, I meant SAVING."

"Oh, nope, we did that ourselves." I replied.

"Crap, if I go back now, they're gonna fire me!" The cat mumbled.

"Oh, then just come with us!" Neon offered. She grabbed a clipboard. "Name?"

"Uh, Olive."



"Do you have a prison record?"

"NO YOU IDIOT!!!" Olive screamed.

"Okay, she's ready," Neon said putting the clipboard away.

"Ready for what exactly?" Olive asked nervously.

"Ready for........."


You know, I really like to do cliffhangers XD I LOVE TO TORTURE YOU WITH THE CLIFFHANGERINESS OF THIS BOOK!!!!!! XD

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