Rachels Big Decision

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Let's Recap first.

Rachel got fired from Ralph Lauren because her boss overhears her in her interview with Gucci at the restaurant. So from here she doesn't get either job. But then she runs in to an old friend, Mark. And offers her a job at Louis Vuitton. Bbut its in Paris. So we all know what happens from here at the airport and everything. But what is Rachels Job now. What will she do? She can't go back to work for Ralph Lauren. And its not like Ross has anymore dinosaur fossils to bribe him with. It all unravels and nothing is as easy as she thinks.



(A couple days later after the airport)

*Ross kisses Rachel*

"hmm. Gosh imagine if I actually got on the plane." said Rachel while sort of laughing.

"It would of been tricky, its not like I could of bribed you with dinosaur fossils like I di-" Ross cuts himself off before he says to much.

"What?" Rachel asks inquisitively.

*Ross hugs Rachel instead of responding*


"Hello, its Kalie Minor from Brooksdale Daycare and we have Emma up here in the nurses office. We need you to come pick her up. She is sick and has a fever." They hear this coming from the answering machine.

*Rachel walks over and picks up the phone*

"Hello this is Rachel Green."

"Hi. Can you please come pick up your daughter now... (pausing) or are you to busy picking out shoes?" Kalie asks in a snotty voice. She sees Rachel everyday picking up Emma and is jealous of her. Apparently she never has seen Rachel without a shopping bag.

"Excuse Me?" Rachel asks rudely.

"Oh I am sorry." Kalie apologizes in a squeaky voice.

"We will be right there!" Rachel respond quickly trying to not to say something back to her rude comment.

"Come on Ross we have to go pick up Emma and kick this girls ass!"

Rachel grabs Ross' arm and runs south the door.

Ross snorts and laughs a bit.



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