Engagement Craziness

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"I am Engaged. I am Engaged!" Rachel screams of joy while banging one the front glass doors of Monica's House.

*knock knock....... ring ring* Rachel knocks and rings the door bell while jumping up and down.

"Monica! Monica! Monica!" Yells Rachel standing on the front mat.

She looks into the the window in front of the bushes and beautiful roses blooming. She sees Monica holding both babys in each arm and has the phone on her shoulder. Rachel bangs on the window so Monica can hear her this time. She must be busy.

Monica looks over in excitment and worriness. "Rachel!" She says

"What are you doing here?" She asks as she opens the door and puts the twins on the ground. She hugs her super tight whispering something in her ear.

Before Rachel can explain. Monica is holding her hands and looks down at the bright big diamond ring placed on her left hand. Monica looks up at her. Staring deep in her eyes. She is rasing one eyebrow and begins to scream of excitment.

"Yep. I am Engaged!" Rachel yelps.

"Oh My Gosh!" Monica squeaks.

The girls just start jumping and screaming.

"Come in. Sit down. See the twins and tell me all about it. Want some tea?" Asks Monica.

"Sure. Sweet please. And I will tell you everything."


"Wow. It sounds so sweet. Thats wonderful." Monica goes on.

Rachel squishes her nose. "Well.... There is one thing. Thats also why I came to see you."

Monica huffs and rolls her eyes.

"Rachel. Do not leave. Don't do it. Your just confused and getting to commited again. Please don't. You will regret it." Monica goes on while holding Rachels hands. She breathes deep.

"Mon, Sweetie. I just.... Well I took back my job in Paris. I am leaving in two days." Rachel says.

Monica gasps. "NO!!" You can't! Rachel you can not do this. Why did you say yes to the proposal then? Your going to break his heart. I just can not beleive you would do this."

Rachel moves around on the couch and looking at the clock and out the window.

"Well. Rachel?" Monica questions.

"Okay. Okay. Well things were going wrong right after I got off the plane. Now its alright. So I had no idea he was going to propose. So I went in to take another job offer and I got it. Ugh. Well.. Its just. I am so confused. I actually think I should go. I have no life here. I only have Ross and Emma. Whjat about a job!" Rachel goes on while ignoring to look into her eyes.

"You need to call them and tell them you can't. You have to stay. You know thats the right thing to do." Monica calms Rachel in a soothing voice.

They sit there for a minute just thinking. Rachel is about to answer when the babies both scream.

"Mahhhh. Wahhhh. Mahhhh. Waaaa." The babies both cry.

Monica reaches down to grab them both and heads to the kitchen to make some warm milk for them. She can not breast feed.

"Can you help me, Rach?" Monica asks.

"Yeah sorry. I was just thinking." Rachel replies.


{Rachel hangs up the phone.}

"Oh my. I can not beleive I just gave up this job again." She says to herself.

She begins to cry. But she tries to hold the tears in. But they just start rolling down her face.

I really hope this is what I want, she thinks.

Outside the front door of Rachel and Ross' apartment she hears keys jingiling and the door opens. Ross walks in the door in astonishment to see Rachel crying. Rachel wipes her tears quickly.

"Whats wrong Rachel?" Ross ask.

Rachel turns around and walks over to Ross.

"I took the offer for Paris again but I just denied it." She explains.

Ross gasps quietly. "What?"


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