The Meeting

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"Okay. Yes. I am for sure about this, this time. You won't have to worry. I promise. I have made the right decision. Okay so lunch in an hour to sign off on this right?" Asks Rachel while having the phone to her ear and messing with her nails with a file.

"Correct. Okay thank you again for coming back to us. See you soon." Says the lady.

Rachel hangs up the phone and right then Phoebe and Mike walk in.

"Oh hi!" Said Rachel.

"Hi!!" responds Mike and Phoebe at the same exact time.

"Who were you talking to?" Asks Phoebe.

"Oh no one. Its not important."

Says Rachel. But all of them know it is. Changing the subject, Mike says.

"Wow the boxes make your house look real put together!"

Phoebe punches him in the arm because she knows the truth about them.

"Owh!" screams Mike.

"Oh get over it. Don't be a girl!" Phoebe says while smiling.

Mike rubs his arm while the girls laugh. Real funny thinks Mike.

"Well we were going down to Central Perk for some coffee and wanted to know if you want to join?"

Rachel looks up at the clock above the desk with Ross' dinosaur fossil collection.

"Actually I already have plans. Sorry! I have to leave in fiveteen minutes." Answers Rachel.

They all sort of frown. Mike answers and says okay. But Phoebe knows something is up.

"Okay see you then."

Phoebe and Mike walk out of the house holding hands.


Rachel grabs her purse and walks out of the door in a Laurentier black knee length dress with some pumps and hoop earrings. Very nice.

She walks downstairs and heads to the restaurant for her appointment.

Walking down the street, Phoebe is behind her hiding and walked slowly so Rachel can't see her. Phoebe wanted to know what was going on and she was going to get the truth.

Rachel grabs the door handle and opens the door. Phoebe right after her. Phoebe grabs the front seat sitting towards the window so Rachel can only see her back.

Rachel says something to the woman in the front and shows her the way to where Mrs. Jalen, the lady she was meeting with was sitting. Phoebe grabs a seat next to them, back to back to Rachel. She can hear perfectly.

"Hello, Rachel." Mrs. Jalen says in a low pointed voice.

"Hi. Jalen. I am so happy that you called me back. First, I want to apologize. I told you I would go to Paris and I didn't. I just,changed me plans. But this time I am for sure."

Explains Rachel.

"Okay... Its alright I guess. Its definitely not proper. I still can't believe my boss approved you again. So its a yes? You will be joining us in Paris in a week? Are you for sure about this? You can't quite again" Ask Mrs. Jalen

"I am... I am for sure." Whispers Rachel as if she is trying to hide it from everyone in the room.

"Ahhh!" Screams Phoebe.

She covers her mouth but it has already can out. She runs for the door. And tries to leave for Rachel can see that she was there.

Oopps. Too late!

Rachel leaps out of her chair and runs after Phoebe.

"Phoebe? What are you doing here?" Rachel asks.

Phoebe turns around.

"Crap. Oh hi Rachel! I didn't see you there!" Phoebe says.

"Oh really? Don't lie. I saw you. But did you hear me and what we we were talking about?" Asks Rachel questioned about herself.

Phoebe looks at Rachel and looks around the room. Then Rachel stares at Phoebe while biting her thumb. Looking confused.

"Umm. Yes I did Rachel. Why would you be going to Paris? You just made that mistake almost. You know, I don't really feel like chasing you around an airport." She huffs.

"Phoebe this is the right thing. But you have to promise me you won't tell ANYONE!" She says.

"Okay but why would you do this?"

Phoebe asks.

Rachel closes her eyes for a minute. Then opens and explains quietly,

"Thing aren't right with Ross and I. Its not how it supposed to be."

Phoebe is thinking about how Ross just bought the house and is going to propose to her. But she can't say anything. Screaming inside.

"Rachel you have to promise. To can't do this. You just can't."

Phoebe replies.

Rachel looking partly angry and partly confused.

"Why? Why can't I go?" Asks Rachel.

"You just can't!!!!" Yells Phoebe.

Everyone in the restaurant turns to look at them.

Rachels eyes get big with embarrassment. "Phoebe!" She says.


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