You Never Ever Know

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{The day after, Rachel told Ross about her getting the offer.}

Rachel walks out of her bedroom holding a cup. When Ross comes out of the kitchen also holding a cup of hot coffee.

They both accidentally walk into each other and spill their coffee.

"Ross!" Rachel squeals. "I just bought this shirt, it's a Polo."

"Uhh. Rachel. This is my new jacket I bought for my class today. Seriously this is important." Ross explains angrily.

They both head to their rooms to change shirts and clean off the clothes that got spilled on.

Rachel walks out of the room while shaking her head and rubbing her neck.

"Okay seriously. I am sorry about this offer thing but you odnt have act all pissy." Rachel yells.

Ross. "Hey!" he squeals. "I am not being all pissy. I am angry Rachel. I am upset. WHy would you agree to something so stupid."

Rachel picks up her purse and heads towards the door. "Ross. I am going. I am leaving, I am heading to Phoebes. I will be back later to collect my stuff."

"Rachel." Ross yells softly and not in a mean approach.

"What?" Rachel asks as she turns around.

Ross runs over and kisses her and grabs her. He picks her up and lifts her off the ground.

She pulls away from his lips slowly.

"What the hell Ross? You can't just kiss me and think everything will be alright." Rachel screaks.

"Don't go Rach. Just don't." Ross whispers in her ear. "Please?"

Ross begs and tries to hug her but she pushed him away.

"Ross. I am sorry. But we both know this relationship that we have won't work. Were better off not being together." Rachel shakes.

Rachel tries to head towards the door.

"Rachel! What can I do for you to stay?" Ross asks in denial.

Rachel stands staring in his eyes like the she can see the whole world through his glowing bright bold eyes. She shakes her head.

"Ross. You get angry because I told you about the offer and that I took it. But that was a while ago. You didn't let me finish." Rach explains.

She goes on, "I called back and told them I couldn't do it. Do you understand that Ross?

She has fury in her eyes but also the excitement of finally telling him.

Ross pulls her arm and leads them to the couch to sit down so they can discuss the situation.

{They go back and forth talking to each other and arguing. But finally they come to a resolution.}

"Okay. Okay..... I will stay. We will try to make this work. Because I love you. And you love me. But what will I do about my job?" She asks while waving her hand in the air.

"Do not worry. We will figure it out." Ross says in total understanding.

They hug each other and right then. Emma walks in.

"Mommy. Daddy."

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